MovieChat Forums > Alexandra's Project (2003) Discussion > Ending... (spoiler.. maybe?)

Ending... (spoiler.. maybe?)

I hope I wasn't the only one completely let down by the ending. I wanted him to find her or something, or for it to be all a big joke or something, at least kill the guy next door!!


The end is just consequential.
This movie isn't about big jokes or killing the guy next door, it's about the frustration of women, too dumb to alter things they want in a rational way.
I personally don't really understand what Rolf de Heer is trying to tell me.
Shoot your dumb wife before she starts acting mad?


Yeah...uh...nothing more to say really...


na, mate, this is not a ozzie *beep* movie. Rolf de Heer just knows how to play the audience and do not stand back to provocative issues.

I was pesonally really shocked by this movie as I too slap my girlfriends bum quite often and sometimes focuses a bit too much on her body haha
A lot of aussie males are still quite dominant to their wifes, and I think that is what Rolf de Heer just wants to focus a bit on. Off course this lady is a psycho, cause noone deserves a punishment like this. The husband seems dominant and in control, but it is also her problem not to stand up to him.

But what Rolf de Heer really wants to tell us is not completely defined in my head either. On things for sure, this is a movie (just like the amazing Bad Boy Bubba), which I wont forget for a long time, actually its still a joke between me and my girlfriend : Watch out, or ill do an Alexandra haha...

Reg. the ending, I find that "the male has been tamed" and realised his domination in the relationship was wrong, and he has progressed psychologically.....or maybe its a depression/insanity ?


Way to good a movie, wish I didn't see it.. This was just a bit too freaky.. I'm gonna go watch something nice, like "Blue Velvet" or "Requiem for a Dream".. I find myself wondering what life the wife and kids got after this.. Clearly the guy wasn't a good husband, and yes the wife turned extreemely psycho after these years.. But still, it's a bit too much..

I questioned the guy's character a bit when he started with the prozac comment, and started fast forwarding early, and boy did he pay for that..

The fact that the actors played so good made it even worse to watch.. I didn't wanna see what was on that tape, yet every time he paused I went insane..

Makes me wanna treat women too good, but they don't like that either.. [jk] ;)

