Sick + tired

(excuse my bad english, I speak french. I do my best to be clear..)

Just have a simple thing to say: I'm 24 years old and i'm realy tired to see, in so many movies (american/european movie), but not just movie, magazines, books, television, always the same bulls**t about man: we think with our dick, just thinking about sex, never lisent what women have to say.

This is not our generation. Things have change. Enough of that feminist speech.. Is it normal to feel ashamed to be a man? Can you just admit man and women are different. God sake.. I watched this movie with my girldfriend... Damn, what a mistake. You can imagine the discussion during and after.

And what pissed me off more than everything, it's in the end, the women win.. Yeah, she's gone with the kids, and the dirty bastard man, sexual beast, dick head, will never be able to see his children again.

Do you know that in Canada, in 85% of the divorce, it's the women who obtain exclusively the garde of the childrens! More than ever, the fathers ask for respect in their parental role. Anyway, I don't want to start a new discussion. But you see the point. We live in a society where man have to bend over in front of women.

By the way, I enjoyed watching this movie, but please, no more bulls**t about man.


I think that, as others have posted, that the film is effective in projecting the point that you are making.

Some may see Alexandra's rant as a righteous, judgemental position against her husband's insensitivity and presumptuousness, in a literal way, as justification for her extreme actions.

An alternative view is that her perspective of their relationship and marriage represents a real lapse into madness, and the movie thereby connects her extreme position as a pulpable link between that sort of personal or societal feminism and madness. Or, at the very least, demonstrates how shifting sense of norms can mask the assessment of 'madness'.

My take, which is no more valid than anyone elses, is that, we see only her (current) take on him and his actions. We have no idea what her response has been, how she expressed herself in her relationship, what her response was as the events that she alludes to unfolded, whether that response changed over time. And, in their years of marriage, I can't believe that, she could not find the voice and opportunity to raise her concerns, no matter how deaf, insensitive, condescending, loud, he was.

One thing struck me as I watched the movie: as she related the incidents that offended her in blunt, hateful vitriol... I suspect there are very few of us who do not have episodes in our past that could not be twisted into a real bit of nastiness of the other party was mad enough (in one sense or another) to do so.


..which, on 5 minutes further thought, could mean that a major theme of the movie might be the vulnerability that is inherent in all relationships, as demonstrated by this worst case scenario that develops when that vulnerability is exploited.


On Greece the ratio is 90%. There have been several cases that the woman goes away with a richer guy or a more handsom guy taking the children with her and obtains full garde of the children just because she is woman. I know fathers that do not have the right to see their children despite the fact they have never do anything wrong! Anyway alexandra was a criminal(kidnapping) the fat guy provided assistance to the criminal so they should both be locked up.

I enjoyed this movie but i was really angry by the way it ended.


"This is not our generation. Things have change. Enough of that feminist speech.."

I can totally agree with that. In our generation, men have changed A LOT. The true question is : do women have changed? Aren't they far more sexist than men?
What our society does to change that?

Omae wa mo shinderu


It isn't feminist speech. It's anti-masculine speech. Huge difference.

That said, I do agree that the last generation or two of men (at least in my experience in the US) have been brought up differently and value their roles as husbands and fathers much more personally than many prior generations. Women and courts/governments have some catching up to do, when it comes to treating men equally within families.


no. do you know how many billions of dollars in child support is NOT paid to the children of the men in this country alone? sadly enough, men take their roles of parenthood the same as they always have. if it's darn the mama, it's darn the children. for many men, it's obvious that having children is still just a way of expressing their masculinity. how many big strong healthy ones they can spit out

what i found so aggravating about the movie was steve's response to his wife's "project". steve had already been cheating on his wife, his family, thus having actually made the decision to throw them away in the first place. im aware that most men don't do this math b/c they wear what's called an ego on their sleeve believing that they can have the world and the other planets too right? as w/ any dissolved marriage due to infidelity, she already had grounds to up and pack and leave and move to the other side of the planet w/ those kids whenever she got ready. no hard feelings or prostitution needed. why should he really care? he didn't care just like she said. she was just little wifey at home to cater to his needs and take all his mess.

i liked the movie okay, though far fetched and drawn out. but then again, maybe breaking up by videotape or letter is the way to go being you could be stopped or even killed if your mate didn't want that to happen. i didn't read any reviews before watching. i only read the plot summary. i admit i was kind of hoping she revealed herself as some kind of monster or alien. i gave it a 5 for the good acting and leading me on

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy


This is exactly how men are


Great Post. I'm tired of turning on every show on television to find a family where the father is a complete idiot and the mother is wise beyond her years. The male stereotyping is overdone and very unrealistic.

I don't know about any of you, but my father was an exellent provider, a great role model, and an outstanding father. He showed me what it really means to be a man.

I'm tired of the BS too. How about some movies that actually show how things really are.
