tricky....(spoilers )

at the beginning, you know something is wrong with her because of her behavior. but, later on on we see what an a*shole he really is.


did you notice when the daughter comes out side before school, talking to her dad when his having a ciggy; that she stands infront of the hoops on the wall - reflecting her within target (her face as the bullseye. thats what i thought hinted something hurtful was going to happen to the family.

...its just instinct


His reaction to her alleged cancer, and when she first puts the gun(which as far as he knows is loaded) to her head, shows that he cares about her; his bereavement at losing the kids shows he cares about them, and her own accusations show that he was utterly clueless to the problems with their marriage, and they clearly had some serious communication issues. Why not just call it what it is: Sometimes there isn't a clear-cut good guy and bad guy, and I think this movie does a great job of showing that. Sometimes two people just don't work together, and it's ultimately both no-one's fault and everyone's fault that they're miserable. Little things pile up, feed off one-another, and finally snowball into a clusterfrack of Severe mutual misunderstandings.
