The cucumber

That's the worst thing he did. I honestly don't think he had any idea of what an *beep* he was being.

i hope you choke on your bacardi & coke!
*Team Landa*


It was absolutely disgusting and sadistic - I don't think she was lying about it. My wife and I have never struck each other but I assure you if I ever tried that there would be blows where it hurts.

What peeved me most was that the kids were the real victims in all of this and she didn't seem to care. Her revenge was that they'd forget him eventually. How pathetic.



It's interesting that the previous posters have the take that the cucumber is a gross violation of the woman's being. I thought of the cucumber as an innocent attempt to spice up their sex lives. Perhaps he should have asked, but he wanted to surprise her because he was under the impression that she enjoyed being intimate and adventurous with him. I do not in the least believe that the act is akin to rape - although perhaps it is. Alternately, she should have stated in no ambiguous terms that she doesn't enjoy acts like anal sex and penetration objects. She is wrong to not have expressed her displeasure instantaneously - there is no reason for her to have festered anger over something that he thought she enjoyed. Again, I say this not believing that the male is insensitive in the least. If the viewer pays close attention to his facial expressions during the tape it is absolutely certain that he cares about his family.

The early scenes (which I didn't pay close attention to), I assume had him coming across as insensitive which is used to indicate the banality of ordinary life. There is no excitement or grand emotional expression everyday among normal long-married couples. It is precisely because the bond feels so compete that such expressions as are seen in budding love are unnecessary and perhaps not felt by either person.

Really, this is a movie about a woman who develops marital dissatisfaction and cannot break the news to her husband in a rational manner.



Yes, he should have asked. That would be the difference between kink and sexual assault/rape. Consent. She clearly states that he did not care about consent, or about her.


She's also clearly a self-centered psycho who equates cluelessness with malice. REmember, in a kinky relationship the bottom has the final say. If she didnt' like it, she should have made it perfectly clear. When a submissive party doesn't object, a dom will take that as consent, which if you ask me isn't an unreasonable assumption.


i haven't seen the movie in a while, so i may be wrong, but i remember having the impression that she *believed* he did not care about consent, or about her. that is very different than him not caring about consent, or about her. did he ever state he didn't care about consent, or about her? while her feelings may be valid in terms of acknowledging where things needed to change in their relationship, they may not have been fully based in reality.


I honestly don't think he had any idea of what an *beep* he was being.
Which was her fault, actually, because she apparently just kept quiet and let him do that kind of stuff. If she really disliked it that much, she should have said something.

Conform or be cast out



Yeah he should've stick it up her ass.


I agree with sort of a dream on the cucumber amazed a woman is pissy over a man wanting to have fun in bed. i was thinking "should you not be more tolerant of ur husbands kinkuness? Be kinky. But i guess he failed to communicate what he wantd..and she failed to communicate NO! lol. I dont think hes a saint, but i dont think he was an awful person for wanting to play with his wife


It was all on her. She never said ANYTHING. Case in point: instead of telling him she didn't like his finger, she stopped wearing skirts and dresses expecting him to decipher that! Like others have said, he was no angel (who is?) but he definitely didn't deserve what she did!!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!
