MovieChat Forums > The Pitts (2003) Discussion > Fox should be ashamed

Fox should be ashamed

never before have I seen a show as stupid as this. I mean, I actually
feel bad for all the actors in this god awful show for it disgracing
their careers. This show serisouly to me felt like it was written by a
bunch of 1st graders or something. How in the hell did this show ever
get "green-lighted" is beyond me. only a studio who has a long history
of showing the stupidest shows ever on TV like Fox, would buy into
something like this. Oh well at least they didn't air all 7 episodes on


I assume that you didn't get it. Don't worry, I'm not insulting you, my initial reaction was EXACTLY the same, but for some reason I gave it a second chance and realised that it is MEANT to be that stupid and that bad. It's a brilliant send-up, one unfortunatly that was all too convincing!


Finally, someone who gets it. Kudos Narrow.


I assume that you didn't get it. Don't worry, I'm not insulting you, my initial reaction was EXACTLY the same, but for some reason I gave it a second chance and realised that it is MEANT to be that stupid and that bad. It's a brilliant send-up, one unfortunatly that was all too convincing!

Let it be known, sons and daughters, that Satan was an acid head


I thought the show was funny as hell and I would love to find them on DVD!!!


I loved this show! I'm so glad it could come back as an animated series, though it may not be as good/bad as the original.

I just found out about Kellie Waymire. RIP.


Just because something is supposed to be bad doesn't make it good. Actually, being purposely bad is more irritating than something than a show that's bad and doesn't know it.

It should be illegal for men to dance.....


I loved it.
