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check/mate - the first "new" episode

Tonight NBC aired Check/mate, the first coupling episode to not be based on a used british strip. I really enjoyed it, and actually felt more like I was watching a real show than I have before. If the show mangaes to build on tonights sucess, it will end being alot of fun.


Yes indeed tonight the show found a couple of legs that I hope keep it going. Each of the characters kind of truely established themselves tonight. I know see American Jeff as not so foolish as the British Jeff, just kinda corny, that odd one that you know in your circle. Patrick showed that he could have some emotion, when it came down to not looking perfect. Jane was still the ditz, but she's a little funnier at it now. Her bit with stalking the stalker is totally something British Jane would do. I'm also glad to know that American Jane is still a traffic reporter. Sally is getting there. I like the actress who plays her, but she just wants to make that one face when reacting to something. It's like it's her only look, and her lines are still sounding a bit read. I think she'll get there though.

And Steve and Susan were very funny tonight, looking more and more like they fit together. I loved their crazy attempts at turning the other one on for tonight, especially Susan trying to domme it up on Steve.

Tonight was a lot of fun. I agree with one of the reviewers on here that the laughtrack is on overkill, but other than that I like the show, again.

Hope it makes it!! And hope to see creativity like this, that pays it's loving tributes to the original.


Yeah, it was not bad.
Some things weren't working but Patrick's car obsession was good. But one thing I noticed was that Jeff was messing with Patrick about the car. The British Jeff would NEVER do that. It was their first real step at making him a different character, which I think HAS to happen since noone can replace Richard Coyle.
Jane is actually the one I think that made the jump nicely. The stalker thing was very funny. This Jane is ditsy and self absorbed, which works. (The British Jane is SO self absorded that she seems ditsy)

Steve and Susan are allright but their jokes seemed forced and that one shot of the cash register just seemed like a blatant "Well it worked with the giggle loop"...

now I want to see the british cast do this see what it would be like if the tables were turned.


I liked last night's episode too and hope NBC shows some patience with the show. There are SIX characters - all with backstory - that takes a few episodes on any new show to get to know everybody and sort that stuff out. But I also enjoyed the stalker twist and Steve/Susan's problem. It was a good show. Anyone who does like it should e-mail NBC and let them know. Networks still do pay attention to viewer response.


I agree, it was a very funny episode, the best yet. And I liked Jeff messing with Patrick (see what I wrote under thread "The NBC version is not that bad"). By the way, I think it was on the message board for the British version that someone wonderered what Steve did for a living (since it's never really been said), and it seemed like he might be some kind of writer. Well, in this episode of the US version we learn that Steve is a writer for a music magazine, or some-such publication. I wonder if Steven Moffat is going to add that in when he writes the next series of the UK Coupling (which is, I read, going to be filmed in Feb. and air there in Summer. Who knows when we'll see it in the US)?


Series 4 is supposed to air on BBC America at the same time it airs in the UK. At least that's what I heard. I hope its true
