It wasn't THAT bad...

I don't know why this movie is getting so much hate.

I won't lie, it wasn't the BEST movie I've seen in my life...but, it had it's moments.

I don't think it was a bad as everyone is saying it is.

JL wasn't really good with being "angry."
I thought Cody Linley was kinda good though. He took me by surprise, cause now he does all the fake corny Disney stuff.

Scarlet freaked me out...she was WEIRD!!!!

I laughed at the dad and JL the whole movie...I kept having Heroes flashbacks, "HRG" [Horn Rimmed Glasses]

Overall I enjoyed it, I'm not going to take the time to watch it again. But--It was an okay movie, I'd give it a B-


Toby and Scarlett sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

Also, JL means Jonathan Lipnicki, who was also George Little from the Stuart Little films.

How would George's parents react to the fact their own son George has a crush on a girl like Scarlett and Stuart feels left out?
