What I hate about it

The action takes place in Romania and we have a gipsy royal family in the movie I was like WTF? This is an insult to all Romanians calling them gipsy. Romania had a royal family untill King Mihai was forced to give up the throne. A little research would have helped the script was so bad written.



The horrible accents did it for me


That's the only thing that they shouldn't have done, enjoyed the film immensely (back in 2004!) and it was still difficult to get used to, or be able to ignore, that aspect of it... Shouldn't have made the main characters speak funny; it's bothersome with even with the supporting cast (in most movies, all of the time). Heh.


I thought this was a Young Frankenstein remake at first. Boy, was I disappointed on so many levels!


When I first saw this movie about the only thing that didn't annoy me was Kate Beckinsale, but now that Underworld has completely gone down the cruise control toilet there's nothing here that doesn't annoy me. The whole thing is just awful from start to finish.

* Any time Dracula is on screen or opens his mouth
* The flying 3 stooges
* Kate Beckinsale
* Wolverine and his lush, girly hair
* Igor (ok, he said like one funny thing)
* Mr. Hyde
* The corny jokes
* The bad dialog

Garbage. I don't know how this has a 6/10 on IMDb.


The bad script has ruined the whole movie I just wish they did not have Frankenstein in it or the werewolves. Why did they let S. Sommers to write the script? It was horrible. I did like Kate in this she is the most beautiful in this movie. The Mummy 1 and 2 are so much better. I wonder how will the remake be.


When they remade the Mummy into an Indiana Jones style romp, I wasn't too surprised when they did the same to the other Universal classic monsters in this film.

I still enjoy this film


Easier for me to say what I like about it ... David Wenham's Carl ... and that's about it folks!🐭


Well, I believe "Penny Dreadful" got its ideas from this film. There are the various monsters in that show too.

"Self-reflection is the hardest thing for SOME people to do!"


More (no pun intended) like "The League of Extraordinary Gentleman" the novel by Alan Moore. Well they did bring in Dorian Gray which was in the movie but not the book. The book is leagues better than the movie.


Arguably it worked for the first Mummy film in the trilogy at least. I dunno what the hell happened with Van Helsing.


Beckinsale, as the last in a family cursed by Dracula, is wonderful; complete with skin-tight wardrobe and overdone accent she matches Jackman's one-liners with perfect ease.


* Any time Dracula is on screen or opens his mouth



Actually the action takes place in Transilvania pre being taken in to Romania, when it was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After The Great War (WWI) they voted to join with Romania on December 1, 1918.

A little research can be a good thing. After all I found this out after 5 mins searching on the internet.

As to the film itself, the thing I hate most is the over-acting by "Dracula" he as we say in England "hammed it up", which is a shame as Richard Roxburgh can be a good actor.

The rest of the film is a novel twist on modern and 80's action.


the other day I rewatched this as it was passing on TV.

here is what I really hate and not hated that much about this movie:

the fact Dr. Frankenstein was dumb and thought a guy like Dracula wouldn't use his technology
Dracula mouth
Dracula's "final form"
Frankenstein's Monster's voice
CGI cartoony baby vampires
All vampire's wide open mouths
the Q type monk with the MI6 medieval type gadjets
Tarzan swings
Kate Backinsale's character's death
Cartoon Mr Hyde
Wet dog comment...

the part where Van Hellsing is addressed as Gabriel by Dracula, but hardly any explanation is given. Was he THE Gabriel? He was as old as Dracula, they had a history. what was it? when was it? why doesn't he remember?

Didn't hate that much:
the brides
kate backinsale
Landscape even when it was over-the-top
the werewolves appearance although all the monsters were too cartoony
noire beginning with Dr. Frankenstein, the monster and the villagers.

Sean Bean has not died from Lightsaber related issues yet...just saying



*beep* for brains really?! What is wrong with you? You did not understand my post. First of all I am from Romania and I know my history of course I know who the Romani people are. Why are you using this kind of language?! Let's face it this movie is bad. bad, bad. It's fun to watch but the script is BAD, really bad. What I don't understand is:
1. The action takes place in Transilvania,Romania why is Transylvania inhabited by gypsies?!
2. Why all the gypsies have Russian names Anna, Valkan, Ivan and speak English with a Russian accent?
3. Van Helsing being in Transylvania he crosses the Carpathians to the South and ends up in..... Budapest the capital of Hungary. On the map if you cross the Carpathians to the south you end up in Bulgaria.
Stephen Sommers made all the Romanians gypsies, he does not know our history or our geography. This movie is a joke and I will treat it as such.
Most of the foreigners when they hear about Romania they think that it's inhabited by gypsies and not Romanians, SS must be one of them.
They also think that Romania is a country in Africa and not in Europe.


... Always a pain, when they pick actual places (& you're from there); sometimes it's harder to make-up imaginary. IMO, it's not so bad, because it takes place in (whatever) history. :)


It's an uneducated American's idea of what Eastern Europe is like, and they didn't bother to do any research or think about it at all. It just served as a backdrop for CGI monsters.

Just let yourself laugh with contempt at it, rather than letting it anger you.

"Value your education. It's something nobody can ever take away from you." My mom.


i thought gypsies coming from india


The inclusion of Mr Hyde and Frankenstein's monster was bizarre and silly. Even the rubbish CGI could be forgiven alongside the melodramatic stage-style performances, it's a style after all, but the random inclusion of those other stories utterly ruined the entire film. What a pity, I hope never to see another script by whoever wrote this abhorrent one.
