holy crap...this movie sucked. I am at a loss for words right now, EVERYTHING was bad about this film. Danny Provenaoaoaoaoaozo as a mobster is so terrible. I cant believe Vincent, Pastore and Caan singed on to this movie, there must have been PLENTY of zeros behind their checks.

There is no attention to detail in this movie what-so-ever. All the sets are cheaply made and are not realistic. No office is completely spotless, yet every office scene in this movie the offices are just prestine...the computers arent even on. Just a desk with a computer and phone...geez they couldnt take time to tack up some pictures or "personal items". TERRIBLE.

The acting...the acting... Danny P is a walking cliche' every line is "this *beep* guy" or "forgetttaboutit" or breaking balls this or breaking balls that. His acting is SOOOOOOOOOO transparent it was just laughable. Then whoever played his sidekick was equally terrible. All the "mobster" type jokes missed by a mile. Just horrible. There is a painful dinner seen where Danny P's "character" (who are we kidding he was BARELY acting) was telling a story about whacking a guy. This scene was just pathetic. I felt bad for these actors. As another poster said, they could NOT carry the scene. UGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH I am mad just sitting thinking about Danny P's acting.

DANNY P....THIS *beep* GUY, FORGETTABOUTIT...he's breaking my balls *beep* cocksucka HE CAN NOT ACT.

This movie is horrible, don't rent this movie unless you need something to wipe your ass with. Even then it wouldnt suffice.


I totally agree.


when ya right, you're right. It seemed mad cliche, should of focused more on Vince Pastore, Frank Vincent, James Caan (said he had a trial they should of showed that for a little) Chuck Zito had a pretty good part, for the 5 minutes he was on. And all the other type casts, could of been pretty good. So the guy directs it and has to have the main part? Him and his pal were pretty lame to me. Austin (from Bronx Tale) was decent, but could of used some more acting skill, This movie I'd give a 3.5/10, just cause the traditional mob actors brought it up to tolerable.

Thanks for the fuqqin drinks pal- Donnie Brasco
