Great Movie

Before i started watching dis movie i had seen sum real bad posts on this board saying that the movie sucks big time. Some of you said its boring blah blah but to my surprise its the other way round the acting is really good the pace of the movie is such dat it keeps u from switchin da dvd off Michael Imperioli is at his best again great movie.


Imperioli is the only thing redeemable about this film.

This is the business we have chosen...


It is just my opinion, but I didn't think this movie was very good. It was a total waste of what could have been a very interesting story. Imperioli wasn't bad, and I like Schrippa; the story was terrible. It seemed like the writer/director intentionally focused on the less interesting aspects of Stuey's life. Even the parts he did decide to focus on were not very well done.

Best Wishes,



I really disliked the film score (if this film takes place in the 60's thru the 90's, put SOME period music in there!)
AND this film has all the pace of a crippled snail... I started it twice an stopped it twice because I was passin' out.
But in spite of all that, I did like this film.
Note: Watch this film twice. This is one of those films I got MUCH more from the 2nd time around.

Trust me,
