A good christmas film

Yeah i liked it, saw it last night. It's a great film if you can buy in to the acting. I found it hard to swallow that the Anerican's would willingly give up their arms after disarming the germans, hence giving away their advantage, simply because linda Hamilton said they were'nt allowed in oterwise. I thought this was strange and completely unbelievable.. If you can cope with these factors and arguable shortcomings, then the film is a good watch.


A true story. Check this out:



That is pretty awesome. The movie seems to mirror the true story pretty well (except in the movie that were speaking English). I saw this movie for the first time this Thanksgiving weekend. Though apparent it was a low budget prodiction I thought the stroy was outstanding and the acting pretty good as well. One I would definitely like to see again.


well we're 2 days from christmas and watching this movie unexpectedly really made my day. Awesome WW2 flick wich leaves you lots to think about. The fact that it's based on a true story makes it even more interesting!


I found the tensions arising from the soldiers from two opposing sides are dramatic and realistic, in term of war going on outside the cabin.


I couldn't really get past Linda's laughable German accent and mannerisms but yes, it's a great movie. I watched it Christmas night and found it really moving.

Duty Now For The Future


Sometimes real life is stranger than fiction.
