Some confusion

About an hour and a half into the film there is a scene where the German Officer is watching Gilda applying cream on her legs saying something about getting stockings for her after the war.
The confusing part is after he has his phone conversation.
He says, "We have our own private language. And when the Allies win the war, we'll all be speaking English in our sleep"
Then he mentions going to school to Cambridge which I assume was a way for the filmmakers to explain how he can speak english.

My question is why is he talking about WHEN the Allies win the war and everyone will be speaking English if he is a German Intelligence Officer clearly working for the Nazi's from his actions in later scenes.


It is towards the end of the war, and obviously he had accepted the fact that the Nazis would not win. I've been studying world war II in detail recently, and anyone who was working in intelligence would certainly have seen the end coming, as long as he wasn't stupidly idealistic.


I just watched the movie this morning, and I was confused by that, too. Also, that wasn't regular cream she was applying. Back during the war, women couldn't get nylons-- the nylon to make the stockings were rationed so the government could use it to make parashutes. She was putting on a brown solution in a cream form that made her look like she was wearing stockings. It was horrible stuff-- it came off on your clothes. My mother used it.


interesting. i bet it stunk too.


And some women (like my mother) would use a black or brown eyebrow pencil to draw a line up the backs of their legs, imitating the seam line that was always present in the stockings we (some of us) used to wear. That stuff would smudge and rub off, of course.

"There are times when you
can only take the next step.
And then another."



I learnt by seeing WWII movies itself that in the latter part of the war, it was obvious even for the Germen officers that Allies were going to win.


The Germans were not prepared to fight a long-term, two front war.
When Hitler prematurely invaded the Soviet Union, their fate was sealed.
Their professional career Army officers (the ones who were not fanatical
Nazis or S.S.) were aware of this, but their duty was to keep fighting no matter what.
