Does anybody remember...

... a movie from the late 70's to mid 80's perhaps... where a kid ties a bunch of baloons to a chair and drifts off. I can't remember exactly why, but I think there was a kite contest or something and some old man kept giving the kid solutions to problems. He seemed to have a lack of confidence or peer issues?

I always remembered the kid as Chris Makepeace from Meatballs. But I can't find anything on his sit that resembles this?

Any help please.

Hey, Hoops, you ever notice how people die in alphabetical order?


Yeah i remember this too... was it a movie, though? I thought it was shorter. I know what you are talking about but can't remember for the life of me what it was called.


It was a PBS movie that was part of some eighties series about being yourself....pretty much Public Broadcasting's version of the ABC "Afternoon Special." There was a professor and a kid named heck, just follow this thread:

The Flick, with the amazing Wallace Shawn (should have added a link to him, too) starred, and it is called "How to be a Better Person in Three Days.


Alright! Thanks for finding that! Another childhood television memory successfully tracked down.



BB-- Thanks for the unsolicited compliment and the attached presumption that I A. am a good person and B. possess good taste in film.


Oh man, thank you! We used to watch this in our kindergarten class. I searched and searched, was beginning to think it was a false memory. I've had this song pop into my head periodically for 30 years.


Thank you!!!!!! I have often thought of that little After School Special-like gem...I remember watching it in 6th grade. Now I'm definitely going to watch this film. I'm a fan of Rhys Ifans, so that doesn't hurt. Cheers.


Yeah, and this kid with a shark kite with something sharp on it attempts to pop his ballons!!!
