I'm in love

Not only did I fall in love with M.Otto. Such a stunning beauty and so not hollywood fake glamour. I also fell in love with that small Aussie town. While watching the movie I tell my Son maybe we ought to movie down under from America.

Great movie. A truly Male oriented Chick Flick



I don't care too much for her, but I am also smitten with that small town in Australia. I live in southeast Florida and I am just so sick of living in a concrete jungle. What I wouldn't give to move to a small town and slow down.


What's not to love? She's a perfect woman, good job, respected, her own house, and terrific hair once she's out of uniform. She really shines at the Macadamia Ball.

I miss Big Band music and talented singers. Leonard Cohen is my idol. Civility, harmony, unity!


Australia really is a beautiful place :)


Good post and I agree - what a Babe! And cool little town.


Yep, quite agree. She's adorable.

When I said I wanted to be a comedian, they all laughed at me. Well, they're not laughing now!
