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TV-Logo-The Click List: Best in Short Film
Billy’s Dad is a *beep* Unadventurous Life of Zoe Cadwaulder
D.E.B.S./Breaking Up Really Sucks

Billy's Dad Is a *beep* is a satirical, black and white parody of the 1950s social guidance films. When Billy is given an essay assignment at school that causes him to take a look at the world around him, he soon finds out what his dad does for a living at the chocolate factory in town. What will Billy be when he grows up? Does he want to be a policeman or a fireman? Or will Billy turn out to be like his dad? Starring: ROBERT GANT, CADY HUFFMAN, ALEX BORSTEIN (Official Selection of the Sundance Film Festival)

The Nearly Unadventurous Life of Zoe Cadwaulder is a quirky and witty short film in which revolves around Zoe's obsession with avoiding natural, and unusually frequent, disasters. When she becomes orphaned after a random tragic accident, her life becomes a series of catastrophes causing her to develop intense, eccentric phobias. But while seeking protection against the ever-present threat of an earthquake, love-lightning strikes in the form of a biker girl named Red. MELANIE LYNSKY

In D.E.B.S., Amy, Max, Dominique, and Janet are four members of a secret agency that works to recruit members through a hidden test within the SATs. When Amy is abducted by her arch nemesis, the beautiful and seductive Lucy in the Sky, the three remaining girls fight to get her back, revealing an ulterior motive for the kidnapping. TAMMY LYNN MICHAELS, ALEX BRECKENRIDGE (Official Selection of the Sundance Film Festival)

In Breaking Up Really Sucks, Charlie is so certain about her relationship with Jill that after only one week of their whirlwind romance, they move in together. As they settle into domesticity, Charlie struggles with the reality of their relationship and Jill’s lack of communication. ALEXANDRA PAUL


OK, so, call me stupid, but I seem unable to find it on iTunes, is it still there? Or am I just too computer illiterate? Any help? Anyone?
