Brigada rulzz

Im from bulgaria ,I have never watched Russian series before but 'brigada'is good film for a russian gang same like in Bulgaria


BG:Pi4 napylno si prav. Samo oba4e na6eto e v po-malki ma6tabi-vse pak v rusiq ima pove4ko ne6ta za kradene:). Ina4e kakto Sa6a kazva:
"6to zimoi i letom adnim cvetom - BELOI" (prevod:kakvo i zimata i lqtoto e edin cvqt-BELIQ)
ENG:Dude you a right. But there is a little difference in the scales - in russia there are more things that can be stollen. Dispite of this remember what Sa6a says:"6to zimoi i letom adnim cvetom - BELOI"(translation:What is the thing that in winter and summer is in one color - The White)


Pichove tva e nai velikia film v istoriata naprao machka krustnika. Poveche takiva filmi po malko zagubeno vreme v gledane na tupi amerikanski bozi.


Nai-dobriqt serial/mini-film! Nqma rawen prosto... Izgledah go na edin d1h celiq. 4e i Olq hubava... ;) Haresaha mi wsi4ki serii do 5minuti predi kraq na 14-tata. Tezi pet minuti mi be6e mnogo kofti... Gadno stana na kraq. :|


neeeeeeeeeeeveroqten e tozi serial! az se pobyrkah ot kef dokato go gledah! i kak taka do kraq na sme li o6te na 12tata?


Yeah!I think so too!And I'm from Bulgaria too.I'll never forget this film
because I've never whathced anything like that before!Brigada RULZZZZZ


I agree! Brigada realy rulzz!!! Same *beep* happend in former Yugoslavia countries. Try to find more about Zeljko Raznatovic Arkan on wikipedia.
Greetings from R.S.!
