MovieChat Forums > Blackball (2003) Discussion > I really wanted to like this, but my hea...

I really wanted to like this, but my heavens it's a shocker

I like bowls. I've never played it of course, but I did once kick a bowling ball as a kid and hurt my toe. My dad was captain of the local bowling team and helped build a green. I like to drink beer and sit and stare out at a bowling green in a country pub in july. I wanted to like this film, but it was just absolutely atrocious. Nice to see Bernard Cribbins still working though. There is something likable in it's direness, but it really isn't funny and i actually removed the tape from the machine and contemplated dropping it out of the window at one point. (I bought it for £1.50). I'm gonna give it to the crazy old woman who runs the animal rescue charity shop round the corner though. Really can't reccommend it unless you have absolutely no critical faculties. Poor show.

"Maybe I could just lie here...."


ive been looking foward to it for 6 months, and finally watched it last night and to my disbelief it sucked lol


yeah, it would suck if you came to watch a film about the excitement of bowls. Its a film about how someones life is affected by fame and fortune. Bowls is just the criteria he became famous in. It [u]COULD[/u] have been anything...

"Do y'ou wanna come back to our hut" barry AUFPET


Well I think it is one of the best British comedies for years.


:o ur saying its better than the life of brian? how dare you !


I liked it, but it's only the second British Comedy I have seen, and the other was Shaun of the Dead, which is AWSOME!


british comedy is so the best!!!!!

"Come over to the Dark Side.........we have cookies!"


i thought this movie sucked... and the only reason I bought it was because sexy vince vaughn was in it!! Yo go Vince!


I think he meant in recent years.

Not a bad flick am 50/50 on it really as bowls isn't exactly sex on a stick and the lead wasn't quite good enough to carry the movie. - serious horror news, reviews, discussion, and articles. (Still building).


Yea, the movie was alright. You have to remember its a UK comedy so it can be quite different.

But is it just me or does the movie remind you a bit of Dodgeball.


'Well I think it is one of the best British comedies for years.'

Indeed it is, well, other than shaun of the dead.

':o ur saying its better than the life of brian? how dare you !'

Well, you're incredibly stupid, was life of brian made recently?


Agreed. If you enjoy seeing the same damn story you've seen a hundred times in a hundred other movies, but you think you might like to hear it with a Brit accent, then boy, is this the movie for you. Can't say I have any right to be disappointed, except in myself for renting this. I saw "National Lampoon" and figured it might at least be raunchy. Even that vulgar enjoyment is denied by this perfect yawn. This isn't even as good as Baseketball. I cringe to see it offered as an example of British comedy. At least it was bland enough that I will not remember having wasted a couple hours of my life on it come next week.


It wasnt funny, especially how they portrayed the aussies, they could have done it alot better... Yes bowls fans wanted to see it, but unlike crackerjack this movie's other material out of the bowls context sucked, very dull and boring..!


Crackerjack is indeed an awesome bowls movie. I highly recommend it, even for those that didnt like Blackball



aren't you talking about Dodgeball?!??!??!

