Inaccurate Hollywood

I saw this movie for the first time and was annoyed at the poor portrayal of Teddy Sampson - basically judging her as a gold digging slapper and also the portrayal of Griffith. To blithely invent aspects of character and events of people who existed in this way is pretty irresponsible film making. I get the whole artistic license thing, but thought it was pretty poor and lazy to be honest. Additionally, the way that Thayer bandied about terminology like "dream sequence", "movies" etc, was laughable. Griffith had terrible trouble trying to engineer an audience's understanding of movement within time in Intolerance and for Thayer to just talk about dream sequences shows an ignorance of film making at the time. Also, for Villa to be referencing Chaplin before he even made his first films and then again in March 1914 as if Chaplin was a huge star is completely inaccurate and lazy again!


So when exactly did Hollywood ever portray the truth ?
