Major Withdrawal Symptoms

Any Wire in The Blood fans out there suffereing from major withdrawal symptoms??? I know that I am and I am trying to get my hands on a copy of the first and second series on dvd and can't waith for season three to come out on dvd. I don't know if I will be wait for the forth series to come out. Hopefully this time there would be more than just four episodes because for me that is not enough.

Oh well hopefully I wont have to wait too long.


Me too! I'm relieved to discover I'm not the only one experiencing withdrawal symptoms, not knowing how I'm going to make it through to Series 4 - a year away, I imagine. I feel a bit like a kid on Dec 26th, not being able to wait for the next Xmas to come. I reckon the last couple of episodes of Series 3 were some of the best television I've ever seen, and I don't know how writers, producers, etc will be able to top this.


Yeah, i get that feeling too, however, I'm a bit p***ed off that hardly any major retailers of DVD's and entertainment stores sell it at all. Do you know any that do?

Dr. Jack

Incidentally, if you think the shows are good, try reading the books.
