Vanilla Ice's meltdown

I was just watching a show on reality TV and they showed where he wrecked the set and got real upset at Ron Jeremy. So what caused his meltdown in the first place?

But I like toast. It's the muffins that must be stopped.


im not sure but he seems to get upset at anything i remebr in the 2nd season he had a hissy fit about salt

Jan: I'm sorry all I heard was blah blah blah I'm a dirty tramp.


It was because Ron told him that he'd vote for him to stay on the show or not vote him off.

It was no matter, really. Vanilla Ice is a tremendous baby. When Vern wanted to stay and sit with the girls at the pool and Vanilla Ice threw a chair into the pool, he did so because he didn't care about anyone else but himself. When he did this, it him me - Ice was more concerned with himself that Vern seeing some boobage. I thought to myself, "This guy can NOT handle not getting his way, and I bet before the show's over, he's going to lose his cool."

You can really measure someone who seems wonderful by how they act when they don't get what they want.

The gene pool could use a little chlorine......


I love how pissed Ice would get if anyone mentioned his Ice Ice Baby days, but then held Gary Coleman and insisted he say, "Whatchoo talkin about, Willis?" What a hypocrite.
Yeah, he's clearly retarded.

And that, as they say, was that...
