Very Nice

This movie looks kool. I don't really know alot about it but i think that the cast is great and it also looks like it would be a nice comedy/romace movie.


I think this movie looks like crap. See "Can't Buy Me Love" instead. It's a genuinely fun (though not outstanding) movie. Why remake it? Why make it a "black movie"? Why make Nick Cannon have a fro?

I hope this bombs.


they are releasing it dec 12 so they obviously think its an oscar contendor.





As much as I agree with you on that. I just have to gotta be kidding me! If you click on your name you can see that you've spent many hours posting comments here, since you have two pages worth or listing of comments.

But I'm not bashing you or anything, just pointing out how ironic that is.

But back to the movie - I loved Can't Buy Me Love. I saw it in the theaters when it came out and loved it as a teen.

I can't remember any re-makes that were good, though I'm sure they're are, just can't think of any. Actually, Al Pacino's ScarFace was a remake of a 30s movie and that was awesome.

I'm all for giving remakes a chance, but to put a UPN-ish spin on that just a bad idea. I just saw the trailer, and it looks really bad.

Will it make money? Of course. For one thing, the target audience now would not have seen the original, and it's aimed towards hip hop lovers. Since they all went out to see the Fast and the Furious by the numbers, they'll see this one too.

I'll see it too - when I'm liquored up, and I'll probably hate it, but I'll give it a chance. :)


Umm this message goes out directly, to doobiekeebler, or whatever your name is. Its cool if U think this movie will be bad and that U thought the original was good or whatever, but as far as your comment on why does it have to be a Black movie makes you sound like an IDIOT. why do all movies have to have an all white cast to be normal. A movie is a movie it doesnt matter what their cast looks it matters for their acting range. I hope U read this too, U sound like a real dummy.


Come on people. Can't we all just get along?

There's no point of calling people any names. All it's going to do is start an off topic thread.

I'd have to agree with the first guy about them changing the target audience. Can't Buy Me Love wasn't aimed towards "White people." I'm not "white" and I loved. I loved it because it appealed to me as a "teen."

However, making this version specifically an all "black" cast and blaring hip-hop music throughout the entire trailer turns it into a movie that would ONLY appeal to a "black" audience. I using quotes here because obviously you or should I saw "U" were offended by the first guy's use of it.

I am curious to see what they do with the African Tribal dance sequence from the original. Would they turn that scene into Nick Cannon doing the Macarena? Or have him try to do the Achy Breaky Dance?




Theres really not a whole lot of reason to make a remake of Can't Buy Me Love, the original came out only 15 years ago, it was pretty well made for it's genre. The still I saw of the remake on rotten tomatoes makes it look like a disney channel special :(


I agree. When I first saw the trailer for this movie I thought that it was a bad idea to remake it. I still think that. The original is a great movie and there is absolutely no way they could remake it to be any better than it is. I also agree to the comment somebody made about the target audience not have seeing the original.


i was skepticle about them remaking the movie and everything...but after being on the set of the totally changed my opinion. what i saw so far of the movie was really good. the cast are so sweet. they made meeh laugh. i think this movie will be a success.



What the Hek. i still want to see that.

If It Ain't Disney, It Ain't Worth It
Kwelakakith Eafrica


I cannot believe that people would even want to discuss the fact that its an all black movie. some white people act black, some white people enjoy rap, white people are the same as black people. some black people act white and some like country music. If u r gonna say that this movie only appeals to hip hop lovers which is clearly a way to cover black people and white people who act black, than almost all of the other teen movies are directly advertised for white people. I think that since thats the case people should be greatful that there are directers and actors willing to make a movie about teens that arent white. And movies with and all white cast and one black friend dont count. Like I understand that you think this is only gonna get 1 type of crowd, but geez then hollywood is racist and movies like Varsity Blues, Cabin Fever, A walk to Remember are only to hook white kids. We should be happy other people get to be represented. I dunno sure it looks silly but im gonna see it anyway.


You know...(and this isn't directed to any poster inparticular)

I normally don't post on message-boards, however, I am familiar with

That said...

When I saw the trailer for this movie on tv, I cringed inside and almost laughed outloud at how tremendously horrible the acting was, and how they were making an "urban"(P.C. Term) Can't Buy Me Love...

I felt it important, almost necassery to post on this board to say how utterly horrible this movie looks.

I don't understand how these things get greenlit by self-respecting movie people.

Now maybe it's because I am not into urban culture/music/whatever, but I mean come on people... You have the guy trying to explain the movie in the trailer which consists of a premise used about 100,000 times... And he's acting like it's this amazing, interesting story.

I cry for this movie, and boycott it on principle.


To the person who said: "Will it make money? Of course. For one thing, the target audience now would not have seen the original, and it's aimed towards hip hop lovers. Since they all went out to see the Fast and the Furious by the numbers, they'll see this one too." I am 16 and have seen the Fast and the Furious and it's sequel, so I am in the audience it is aimed toward correct? I have seen "Can't Buy Me Love" many times and enjoyed it. Therefore I am looking forward to seeing the remake. I will admit that when I first heard about it I heard Nick Cannon was in it and I was going to see it no questions asked even if the previews didn't apeal to me that much, because I think Nick Cannon is very good looking. But now that I have seen the previews and have realized that it does apeal to me, I am going to see it because of the story, not because of the actors.
Just wanted to put my opinion in these message boards. To each his own.
