Steve Harvey???

Steve Harvey plays the father????

The father in Can't Buy Me Love was like unnoticeable.

Now Steve Harvey is doing his thing and being a feature role?

Why couldn't they make this a made for UPN / WB TV movie?



...because it's a REMAKE, stupid. If you want something identical to Can't Buy Me Love, why don't you go to Bum-phuck Egypt, find that crappy movie, dust it off and rent it.


Ummm that movie was really good actually. I found it at Best Buy, not in Egypt. Go watch it. Maybe you'll learn a few things.


Ummm that movie was really crappy actually. Any flick that ends with a solo guy clapping that erupts into full cast applause is pure garbage.


What movie did you watch?? Can't Buy Me Love does not end like that... it ends with the two people riding off into the sunset... maybe you should know what you are talking about before you respond to a movie you probably haven't even seen....punk


If I'm not mistaken, he/she may be thinking of Lucas.....when they put a Varsity jacket in his locker and all clap when he finds it. Could've happened in both flicks though....both Cheesy 80's movies.

Ty Webb: What brings you to this nape of the woods, neck of the wape; How come you're here?


Yes, Lucas did it and Can't Buy Me Love did it as well. Don't worry, dork19 is just an idiot.



George Carlin is a dated hippie who should have retired about 15 years ago. And boy, look at the gems he's blessed us with over the years: Scary Movie 3, Dogma, and Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.

I agree Steve Harvey isn't the king of comedy, but he's just trying to eat like we all are. I also object to that "black network" comment. BET is the only black network and Steve Harvey doesn't have a show there. But the bottom line is...he's in show business! He's SUPPOSED to make movies, stupid! Besides, how many movies does he have anyway? Two? Nobody says anything when Adam Sandler and Will Ferrell play the same characters 5 times a year.


Very good point rocky I agree 100% nuff said!


The two movies Steve Harvey was in this year are bad. The Fighting Temptations and this.


That has nothing to do with what I said. Besides, I doubt you've even seen either of them.


"Nobody says anything when Adam Sandler and Will Ferrell play the same characters 5 times a year."

That is because Sandler and Ferrell have made us laugh in the past. People are more forgiving of old favorites than unproven talent. Harvey may be funny to some, but he doesn't have the widespread fame or (arguably) proven comedic talent that Sandler and Ferrell have.

"Well!!! Since when did you become the physical type?"


