Dinka and Teri

Are they still together in this movie? I know that she decided to give him some attention in the first one and I was wondering if they're romantically involved in the second film.


Nope...Teri and Ricky end up together.


sorry terri gets hooked up with another guy



Ricky and Terri like each other at first and they kiss twice. But in the end they decide to just be friends.

and as for Dinka, he finds love in a beauty stylist at Gina's shop

tRuE sTAR LeGEnd


WRONG...Ricky and Terri like each other at first and they kiss twice. But in the end they decide to just be friends...and as for Dinka, he finds love in a beauty stylist at Gina's shop


I think it was pretty clear in the end when Ricky admitted that he'd been studying for his GED and had fallen for Terri, she in turn after learning he had actually been studying at night to earn his GED trying rather than chasing women as she'd previously thought...gave in to her feelings for Rick as well. The implication was they were beginning a relationship. If you recall; Terri gave Rick a sly look when they approached Eddie, Dinka and Jimmy the next morning outside the Barbershop...and Jimmy said "y'all ain't foolin' nobody by coming from two different directions and he continued teasing Terri about calling Rick "Richard" at work and "Big Daddy" in the bedroom. If you recall when the customers started coming in...Isaac told his customer that Terri was Rick's...


But Terri DID confirm that "Richard and I are just friends" (and to avoid confusion, Richard is Rick)

tRuE sTAR LeGEnd


i agree with mcdonjadd

