'Do I look like Beyonce?'

What do you think about the scene with the Gina's customer with the huge white afro? I thought this was one of the funniest parts. What about the woman that played that role? Talented!!!


Are you that actress with the one or two lines? if so - congrats, I'm glad you're thrilled with your performance. Best wishes to you ...

"El riesgo vive siempre!"


Does anybody get tha joke tho? She sounds EXACTLY like her, when she says it..

[And... by tha looks of tha name... is that u?]


Are you that actress with the one or two lines? if so - congrats, I'm glad you're thrilled with your performance. Best wishes to you ...

ROFL You're actually right. That IS the actress that played the role. I looked at the OP's history of posting and saw where her only post was on some unknown movie talking about an actress named Charla Agers. She said and I quote,
"I think this is a very talented actress and that she needs to be in front of the screen more, if not, using those talents behind the camera. Excellent job Mrs. Manning...YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!"

And now notice her username here? it's "aagers" Agers like Charla Agers the actress that she's commenting on that ALSO played the girl in Barbershop that had the line about looking like Beyonce.

Anyways yeah thought I'd point that out, its pretty funny and also a little pathetic with a touch of embarrassment.
