Please explain the attraction

All I see is a poorly written script full of unfunny jokes and clichés, populated with washed up rappers and comedians who never had much of a career in the first place, who somehow simultaneously project an air that is pretentious, humorless and unintelligent. And all of whom can't act. Add in an unfunny, stupid and poorly exploited running joke and on top of that the obligatory touchy feely moral lesson that is explained towards the tail end of the film, along with a moment of nostalgia and family that is shattered by some pseudo-entertaining joke.

What am I missing?


Well, you know we're all different, and that's just 1 opinion you've stated. I happen to love these movies, and I can't wait until the sequal comes out. I'm sorry that you didn't like it.

"You're off the edge of the map mate ... Here there be monsters."


All I see is a poorly exhibited negative attitude that really says, "I loved this movie but, because I'm a self hating coward I will never admit it. I instead have chosen to troll the message board with hateful nonsense becuz its the only way I can feel good about


I wrote something about the Batman movies with Christian Bale being lame and I wrote out exactly how I felt a few days ago. I got 3 quick responses, "thinking"....oh here comes the hate for telling the TRUTH and no opinion to it LOL They agreed completely with what I said.

Now Burgundy, with your response to the last poster...I laughed. I was like W T F LOL

If this movie sucked I may have agreed with him but it didn't. NOW people who rate LAME un-funny movies like The Full Monty a 7 or more...I won't lie, that was BEYOND lame. I want my VHS rental back from the 90's. I'm afraid to watch the 3rd Barbershop because I BEYOND despise that mentally challenged chick - Tricki Whorage.

QUESTION - If I watch Barbershop 3, whenever that goofy sleeze comes on my screen if I hit "mute", I will not miss anything vital will I ??? Burgundy can you enlighten me ?
