Whole Season

Right now, I'm currently working on recording the whole season of Libertys Kids. I'm just wondering if anyone would be interested in it, since a lot of people have been asking about the whole season, yet only one place on the net has it, and that's amazon, but it goes for $650, which is absurd. So, if anyone is interested, let me know, so I can make a copy.

TNA: We Are Gimmick Wrestling!


I might be interested. What are you planning on charging?

Don't worry; be happy.


Honestly, I don't know yet. I missed a few episodes, so I have to rerecord them. I have just about every episode, except for one, and two were cut off by 7-8 minutes.

I will let everyone know when I'm done, but I am going to charge something, but it won't be outrageous.

TNA: We Are Gimmick Wrestling!


I might be interested, keep us updated


No problem guys.



also will you be getting the last few mins of those 2 episodes?


Those episodes that were cut off by about 8 mins?

Yeah, I'm rerecording those two episodes. One was just recently done :)

I only have to rerecord one episode that was cut off by 8 mins, and to record one episode that I missed, due to a power outage.

After that, I have to make the DVD(s), and that's going to be a challenge. I hope you guys don't mind.



No worries. It is worth the wait. If the price is affordable, I know my sister would adore this series for her birthday.

Don't worry; be happy.


About the price. I haven't really decided yet on what it will be, but all I can say that it won't be extremely expensive, but it won't be extremely cheap either, as this series is very rare (the DVD's they made already are), and it isn't on in every area. When I figure it out, I will let everyone know, but that's just a heads up.

Anyway, there's been a little problem. My recorder stopped working, and I missed one of the episodes I needed to record. I'm very upset about it, as I will have to wait for another go around of the entire season in my area, unless I can find the entire episode on the internet, download it, and put it on a DVD. Any help on that would be very appreciative.

I hope your sister's birthday isn't anytime soon, because this could take a while. Once again, I hope this didn't hurt anyone's convienience.



What episode is it you need?

Don't worry; be happy.


It's the episode where James meets someone who claims he's from another newspaper, but in reality, he's not, and is just a spy for the British. I will find the title on the internet.

Edit: Here's the title:

The Second Continental Congress



Well, I still can't find that episode on the net. Until then, I can't make the entire season on DVD's, which might take a while to. BTW, the episodes aren't perfectly recorded. It doesn't miss anything, but sometimes the title is skipped, and the LK picture (signifing a commercial) appears briefly. Just a heads up. If anyone has anymore questions, please post, and I will gladly answer.



I might be interested in this, as long as the price isn’t too high and the episodes are in decent condition.

Do let us know how it’s going and please keep us updated.

Don't forget to bring a towel.


Haven't figured out the price yet. Also, like I said, the episodes aren't completely perfect. Sometimes, the title of the episode is cut out, but it's only for a few episodes (hey, I'm not perfect lol..). Also, the graphic signifying a commercial is shown at the end of every booklet scene.

Actually, what would you guys like the price to be? Like I said, I'm not going to be completely expensive, but I'm not going to be completely cheap. This might give me some ideas.



Well, for all 40 episodes in one set with the average recording quality, $30 would probably be about right.

But I'm thinking about the really bad quality of my VCR, yours might be better, in which case you should charge more. It's really up to you...our desires hang in the balance of your fancy. j/k!!

Anyway, keep posting! I wanna know how much you'd sell it for, my sister used to love this series...(and so did I, even though there's a 7-year distance. don't tell anyone)


I would say about $30 as well.

Don't forget to bring a towel.


For the average show, $30-40 wouldn't be a bad price. However, it will probably be more than that, for one reason: this series is very, very rare. It's not on in most areas, as it comes and goes. That's why, amazon.com has the series for a lot of money, which pisses me (and probably a lot of others) off, because fans of this show deserve to have the whole season, for a reasonable cost. That's the only reason it will be more than that, but like I've said already, I won't rip anyone off. BTW, no one has to believe that, since this is life lol.., but thats up to you.

About the quality of my VCR, it's debatable. I don't think it's bad at all, but some others might have a different opinion. It all depends on the person. It will probably have a refund thing if no one likes the quality.

About the recording ability. It's not perfect (on most shows, it's fine, but on a few, the title is cut off a bit), but that's why I was going to try to design a DVD, so that each episode can easily be navigated, so no one gets confused. That's going to be the long part.

mghude, you really shouldn't really be secret about liking this series. I'm 20 years old, and I've liked the show since I first saw it a few years ago. This show is informative, and has great characters. However, I could also put it this way: this show got me interested in the 18th century, and the birth of our nation. Not one school book has done that for me, so IMO, that says a lot about this show.



I'd still say $50 or under, I dont care if its rare, It's a bootleg your making almost 100% profit.


I wouldn't really call it a bootleg, since I'm not taking what they made, it's coming from my own stuff.



I agree with Dagger. Somewhere around $50, considering how rare it is but not in perfect condition, seems to be a decent price.

There is plenty of inexpensive DVD Authoring software out there.

Have you considered where you are going to sell these DVDs? My suggestion would be iOffer.com. Many people sell their TV-to-DVD sets there. It allows for bidding, refunding, shipping costs, ext. It's a great site!

As for the condition of the episodes, you could always make a screencap and allow the bidder to make their own opinion on the quality.

Don't worry; be happy.


I probably will be $50, but I'm still considering the price.

There's inexpensive DVD authoring software? Would they be at stores like Best Buy?

Never heard of iOffer.com. I will check it out.



I would think there would be DVD Authoring software are Best Buy.

I have a program called Sony DVD Architect 4.5. It came free with my video editing software; it's easy to use and can have great looking menus.

Don't worry; be happy.


I'll have to check that out. Thanks.

BTW, some of the episodes are recorded straight from the Liberty's Kids DVD's. I will give a complete list of those episodes when I have them listed, unless you guys already know what episodes came out on the DVD's. Those episodes are most likely, perfect, as there wasn't any commercials on them.



Hi! I'd be really interested in buying the the episodes I don't have already.
These are the ones I have already:
The Boston Tea Party
Intolerable Acts
Shot Heard Round the World
Liberty or Death
Common Sense
Not Yet Begun to Fight
Midnight Ride
The first 4th of July
New York, New York
One Life to Lose
Valley Forge
Benedict Arnold
Born Free and Equal
We the People
Since you ARE doing bootlegs, I agree that the outrageous price of $400 isn't right, like how they sell the whole set =P $30-$50 for the episodes I still need seems about right.
Hope to hear back your recording progress! The CW channel at home stopped showing them -- it actually never showed all the episodes.


Well, I'm not going to sell seperate episodes, just the season. That's going to be about $50-60.

I'm trying very hard to get started on putting them on a DVD, but things are halting that, unfortunately. I hope you guys don't mind the wait.




Sorry guys for taking so long for an update. I'm still reviewing all the episodes, to see if they're in good condition. They should be, but I like to make sure.

Unfortunately, I need to get a new computer, so I won't be able to upload any episodes on there for a while, to show one as an example to you guys. I will do that as soon as I can, as I'm getting my new laptop very soon.



Thank you for the update.

Don't worry; be happy.


No problem.

Anyway, I got my new laptop. It came with a web cam. Very cool.

Maybe I could use it to record my TV, with the episode running. Would that be cool with you guys?



I don't imagine the quality would be very good...

Don't worry; be happy.


Probably not, but I really don't see what else I can do, if you guys want a 'preview' of how it would look.



Didn't you already have the episodes recorded from your television? Is there a problem transferring it to your computer? Once it's on your computer, it's easy to capture "screenshots" to show the quality.

Don't worry; be happy.


Yeah, I have them on a VHS (actually, two VHs's).

How would I get them on my computer?



This requires some way of converting your Analog video tape into a digital file, there are several ways to do this. First would be to buy a good Video capture card. ATI is generally accepted as the defacto standard for video capturing. Another way is to use a DV camcorder to act as an ADC (analog to digital converter) and pass the converted video through IEEE-1394 (firewire) to your computer.

The method you chose will depend upon what you want to do with the video. Good sites to reference are www.dvdrhelp.com and www.lordsmurf.com.

Don't worry; be happy.


Couldn't I just record some of it on a DVD, and then put it on my computer?



I would think you could do that, yes. Why don't you try it out?

Don't worry; be happy.


I'd LOVE a copy of the whole season (sorry if this is a little late). I found another place that had it but it was like 400 or 450 dollars or something.


Well, you can be added to the list lol...

About the second part of your statement, that's the whole reason I'm doing this. That's outrageous.



I am interested, will there be any artwork, or cases or both, and please what kinda price?


There probably won't be any artwork on the cases, most likely, just plain cases. There might be some stuff done on the DVD itself, but I'm not totally sure yet. The price will probably be somewhere inbetween $50 to $70.



Have you considered simply using download links?

No artwork, no shipping, no burning DVDs; simply having people pay for episode downloads over the internet. I know plenty of fans who would favor this. (Just look on YouTube for that.)

The added benefit is quality. If a person purchases one episode, and decides the quality is fair, they will feel confident buying in the entire season. Which saves you from returning and refunds.

Don't worry; be happy.


I will look into that, however, I need to figure out how to get them on a computer.



Oh, that is important! Have you transferred them off of your television yet? If so, to what device?

Don't worry; be happy.


Actually, I have one more episode to record. It should be coming up in about 5 days at least. They're all currently on videotapes.



Alright; here's an overview for getting your VHSs onto your computer.

Step 1:

Size up your system

To convert VHS to DVD by way of your PC, there are a few must-haves on your hardware checklist. First, your video card must be able to capture digital video in the MPEG-2 format by at least 640x480 resolution and at 30 frames per second. If your current video card doesn't have the right stuff, you can get a surprisingly powerful capture card at a bargain price. You're also going to need a gargantuan hard drive, since capturing a full-length video at DVD-worthy quality can easily take gigabytes worth of storage. Finally, you need a recordable DVD drive. Since recordable DVD technology is still fairly new, there are a couple rival standards being bandied about: DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, and DVD+RW. You will need to make sure your standalone DVD player supports the same format as your DVD burner. If you're not sure, you can check your compatibility at VCDHelp.com. Also, keep in mind that DVD MovieFactory is a 1.0 release, and you may experience a few hiccups depending on your system. Definitely check out the trial version first to make sure the software runs smoothly on your machine--you may also want to download a couple of patches, depending on what operating system you're using.

Step 2: Make it digital

Make sure your video source (camcorder, VCR, etc.) is appropriately connected to your video card, and click Play so a video signal is streaming into your PC. Then select Capture Video from DVD Movie Factory's main menu. If you're met with a big screen of static, don't panic, there are still a few settings to modify. Click Capture Settings, found on the main Capture screen, and then click Video Source. Depending on your video card, you'll probably want to select Composite Video. Next, click Video Format and select MPEG-2 at 640x480 at 30 frames a second. From the same screen, click Audio to make sure you're capturing sound at 48Hz in stereo. There are plenty more settings that can be tweaked, but it's best to leave them alone unless you know what you're doing. Next, cue up your video source and click Capture.

SOURCE: http://www.download.com/1200-2046-965095.html

Whether you want to burn these to DVDs or use them as download links will decide what you do next.

Don't worry; be happy.


Thanks for the info.



Well, I'm pretty sure I have every episode recorded on videotapes. Now, the 'fun' begins lol..

BTW, none of the episodes have the LNN segments. So, if anyone was hoping for those, I'm sorry, but they're not on them.



Hey, let me know when you've gotten this ready - I'm totally interested in getting the episodes, too. I'm sorry, but paying hundreds of dollars for it is just ridiculous. I thought most of the series was produced using grants and stuff anyway - so is this a case of having to pay off all the celebrities once it made it to dvd, or is this just greediness on the part of people on the secondary market? Even if I could actually afford upwards of $600, I'd rather send a donation somewhere than just line a reseller's pockets.

I grew up right outside Philly, and spent a summer interning as a costumed interpreter in the park and Visitors' Center. (Some of my oldest memories are of visiting the park, and Franklin Court in particular, with my mom and older brother.) One of my friends - who was still in high school - havd several little kids want to have their picture taken with "Sarah Phillips" - we thought it was so cute!

I'm studying History, with one of my interests being the American Revolution, and really liked this show's treatment of the Revolution. It's helped reinforce even some of the things I've been studying, is entertaining to kids, and even my engineering-major roommate liked the show when I used to put it on between classes. I'd love to have recordings for myself and because it seems like it would be a useful teaching resource in the future. However, as a college student, it's especially unrealistic to even think of dropping an entire semester's textbook money on a few dvds.


Are you still working on this? do you have an update?


Yeah, I am, but I need to get a DVD recorder first.



Hey guys, great news, I should be getting a DVD recorder at the end of the week, so when I do, I will get to work, putting the episodes on DVD(s).



