Cooked Food

A while back there was an episode on Food Network that went behind the scenes on how each show is put together, etc and what goes on when the cooks/chefs take breaks.

It was mentioned that Rachel films 4 30 Minute Meal shows a day... ok, wonderful. My question is with the food that she cooks.

We know she does it for demonstrative purposes and takes a nibble, but does anyone know what happens to all of the food that she cooks on the show? Please don't tell me that they throw it away. I'm wondering if the crew eats it or what.

I've always wondered about that. I could see Emeril cooking on his show and all of that extra food going to the audience, etc... but in this case of individualized cooking... I'm curious where all of these 'delish' dishes go?


Well, I'm not too sure about the exact answer to that question.

What I can tell you is that if I was working as a crew member on that show, I wouldn't dare touch that slop for fear of praying to the porcelain gods later that night..
