MovieChat Forums > 30 Minute Meals (2001) Discussion > I get a laugh out of those low-cut tops ...

I get a laugh out of those low-cut tops of hers.

If she's merely on the air to educate us all about the wonders of cooking, her donning those things and repeatedly bending over her creations aren't helping any. She's not exactly God's gift to men, but my eyes do sometimes feel the pull of gravity when she does that. :-)


I think you have RR confused with Giada, she's the Queen of Low Cut Tops.


No, I watch them both, and agreed that Giada wears more of them, but Giada's saccharine smile and perky-to-the-max demeanor make her less tolerable.


perky-to-the-max demeanor make her less tolerable.

Interesting, most people say that more about Rachael than Giada. To each their own!


She got little titties!


They're little cutlets. And remember, a delicious and healthful cutlet meal is only 30 minutes away! Enjoy.




There are differences between Giada and Rachael, Rachael has no boobs to speak of and Giada has large breasts. Rachael looks pathetic trying to show off her non-existent cleavage.


Both Giada and Rachel are great cooks and both try to show off their assets. Rachel's breasts seem bigger each season, maybe it's because she has gain a little weight. Giada on the other hand is very thin, but has large breasts and shows them off on a daily basis, but she knows what she is husband loves watching her!! I like both of the women, but Rachel's food is easier for me to cook, Giada is more of a culinary cooker, hard to duplicate ( for me anyway).



I love your signature line, made me laugh out loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I like both of them but Giada is a lot more sensual and romantic with her food Rachael I think tries to get everyone cooking and entertaining.


