Needed more Pete/Rosalee

One aspect of this film that made me enjoy it far more than I thought I would i the character of Pete. They didn't develop him enough but I could tell what they were going for- the guy who has such strong feelings for a girl that he tries to overcompensate by acting cool and relaxed but instead comes off as sarcastic and borderline annoying. I'd imagine a few guys have been in that position before, I know I have.

The problem is, so much time is spent with Tad and Rosalee, they really don't go into much detail with the Pete character which could have been really interesting and at the same time they never really resolve the issue of Tad's sincerity- it seems by the end that he was actually being 100% sincere, but in some ways i feel it would have worked better if he wasn't but that's just my opinion


I wish there was more, Pete, too. But mainly because I love Topher Grace :) I think it was good that Tad was sincere because it proved that while he ended up being a somewhat decent guy, he truly wasn't they right guy for Rosalee. Pete was.

"I hate crickets! Ever since Pinnochio- they're too bossy."


The problem is, so much time is spent with Tad and Rosalee, they really don't go into much detail with the Pete character ...
Totally agree. The storyline is all out of balance( perhaps because Josh Duhamel was the bigger star at the time), with Pete ending up looking and sounding like a whiney loser. 🐭


The problem was that they kept showing Pete being a jerk to Rosalee in the scenes they did have together like him making fun of her for eating Pringles or signing up for the contest.
