Did Jamie Die or What??

I missed the first two minutes....I thought I saw Jamie as the other survivor with Henno, (he said 'let's get out of here').
Then the Colonel says 'now Jamie's gone'.
Did Jamie die or did he survive but resign?
Plus isn't it convenient how they all head scarfs on their heads so you couldn't see their faces? Why have ITV done this? Is it because the actors wanted to leave or did they just want to change the series?



Jamie died yeah, i doubt they would pay him to come back for 2 minutes of footage. Its just a shame litterally 4 main characters, (Pete, Ricky, Jamie, Caroline) all left in the space of 5 mins!! It doesn't seem like Ultimate Force anymore, it seems like a first series of a new programme. Its a shame, you think they would get the characters to leave slowly at least.



The filming schedule was what prevented Jamie returning, the shows producers decided to have some fresh characters for the third series so killed of Ricky and Pete. They were going to wait for Jamie to be available but projects he was working on over ran and with Ross Kemp's ITV contract expiring, they needed to get on and film the series.

If the producers knew they weren't bringing back Pete and Ricky they should have filmed their deaths in with season 2 so they'd got the footage to use in the season 3 opener. Jamie needing a stand in wouldn't have been such a problem had you seen the other two.

I guessing Jamie was the one that had half his face blown off, Ricky was the one that got 14 rounds in the back and Pete was the one who ended up as sandbags cause his remains didn't fit in a mess box.


Jamie Did Die he was the one that had half his face blown off and was burnt.

Jamie was wrote out as he was working on a new drama called Faith, If you have looked on the ITV website you will see that they have casted Jamie in, as of this matter it has brought up alot of problems on the UF Fan Site (http://www.ultimate-force.co.uk/) and we are awaiting ifo from ITV on this matter, if they will share anything.

Its a shame that Jamie, Ricky and Pete have been wrote.


Jamie died to be sure, coz if u were watching he was the one who came out the house after the explosion and he was on fire then the stupid people shot him, then Ricky came out onto the balcony and was shot!! i was really sad when jamie died coz he was the best character and really fit, but the series is still good though.




Ye i agree with the comment that they aren't really seen as SAS in series 3. More like mercenaries as you say. Hopefully they'll sort it out for series 4


Jamie was the one shot on the balcony (when Henno shouted "JAMIE!!!!"), Ricky was the one burnt and shot to death, and Pete was blown to bits off screen.


Yeah Jamie died, he was the first was to get shot coming out of the building that blew up. I know what you mean about the headscraves as well, a little bit of a letdown. Ps it waa Louis who should "let got out of here". By the way, does anyone else think that the three characters to replace the dead ones are a bit naff in camparison?


I think the black guy who's replaced Ricky is better than him. Otherwise I miss Jamie, Caroline and Pete.


Jamie shouldn't have died as He was the main character. It's obvious that he was the main character and not Henno, the entire first 2 series were about Jamie. Who thinks Jamie was Henno's bitch?

Pete should have died at the end of series 2, he wanted to die but had this magical ability to dodge bullets.

Series 3, what a load of *beep* This was the worst series of any programme I have ever seen. The first episode was just an excuse to see as much breast as possible. Did you see those pathetic special effects and Becca Gallagher doing a Bruce Willis?

The first 2 series were great but series 3 was *beep* and was just a rip off of the UF branding. Chris Ryan can't act and shouldn't be allowed on screen.


jamie died along with his follow soldiers in a botched opperation in iraq.the suviver with heno was the one on series 1 epp 3(i think it was)he suvived the kilings in the SAS training.
