available on DVD?

When does this come out on DVD? I want to own it to show at school to those in charge who think no child left behind means eveyone being on the same page of the reading book on the same day....or else! I'm a teacher by the way.


I'm pretty sure it is out. You'll have to go to the movie's production company's site to order it. The guy who owns the production company is an alumni of my school and came and showed the movie in front of my school. I'm pretty sure he was playing it off of a DVD.


if your still wondering, i have the dvd from my school library. it's out, but i don't know how to get it.


I think this was the August 2003 release from www.filmmovement.com The DVD is available.


Yes, it is available on DVD. I think you van find it at amazon.com, if not then look for it at filmmovement.com.


OT: Our Town will be available from many online vendors on December 20, and appears to be already available from Amazon.


This film is out. I'm currently playing George Gibbs in a local production, and my friend (who plays Simon Stimson) recommended I watch it. It was at my local "Indy Video Store." So, it's out...just a matter of finding it near you. Though you probably did that considering this post is two years old, but what the hell, why not?


you can find the dvd at: filmmovement.com, netflix, or even Amazon.


