The gay dogs

this subplot really annoyed me in the movie. for the sole reason that it isn't possible. dogs ( or any animals for that matter) can't be gay, thier minds don't work like that. if one of the dogs was taking a sexual pose on the other it was only to show dominance, not any sort of sexual preference.


Actually animals can be gay. There have been studies into 'homosexuality' in animals.

Proud member of T.R.O.L.L.


Animals can't be gay, because homosexuality is a conscious choice, one that only inteligent beeings can make (ergo: humans). Also, the only species in nature that have sex for plesure are humans & dolphins, therefore all other animals simply can't be gay.

"Animal homosexuality" is actually an expression of dominance or a reflex of animals used in breeding (bulls, stallions etc.).

BTW: the so called studies in animal homosexuality are bs. In one of them they classified "friendship" as a level of homosexuality. I mean, I have 3 very good male friends... Does that make me gay?! Come on!


Hi m ionut,

you claim that animals can not be gay. YOu also claim that homosexuality is a concious choice. CFR on the animal claim.



"It's worse than that, he's dead Jim."


u must not be an intelligent being since u cant even spell it!!!!!!!

DJ:Howdo u workthisdamn thing?!
Roseanne:Wheredid u get that language?!Thisisnt a"thing"its a VCR


How the hell is being a homosexual a conscious choice? You don't wake up one morning and think "I've decided i am going to be gay now," you are just attracted to them, NATURALLY. Dogs are actually incredibly intelligent creatures anyway, they can tell what mood a human is by their facial and body expressions and also by the tone of their voice, and volume! A dog will always remember it's way home if it runs away. A dog can become a homosexual as truthfully as a human can. Any animal can infact. You may forget, that we too are infact animals. It isn't just us that can be gay. How do you know we and dolphins are the only ones that have sex for pleasure anyway? I would really like to know where that idea came from. Oh and by the way it's only recently in history that we have been having sex for pleasure, people used to only do it to make children! For all you know, all the little rabbits could go around humping like bunnies just because they like it. Yes, they reproduce, and they need to, but that may not be all they do it for! We can't get inside an animals head to prove they can't have sex for pleasure, therefore we can't get into an animals head to prove they can't be gay. So for all you know, any animal can be gay. Even the really stupid ones, such as yourself.


I want to ask you how many gay men and women do you know personally? How many of them told you it was a CONSCIOUS choice? Not many will tell you this. Sure some might make it a conscious choice, but some are just biologically attracted to those of the same sex. I have a friend who is gay. He NEVER was attracted to girls. He NEVER had the opportunity to be attracted to girls. He NEVER was able to make that decision that you so believe to be the reason.

You can't wait up one morning and say to yourself 'I'm gay, and I am not 'straight'. Sure some people might CHOOSE to EXPERIMENT but that doesn't mean they are are automatically homosexual. I know gay guys, gay girls, and bi guys and girls. The only ones who 'made' the 'conscious' choice are the bi-sexuals. Think about that for awhile.


Wow, old and weird thread.

I don't know anything about homosexuality in animals. My comment is regarding m_ionut81's post stating that humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure purposes, rather than specifically for procreation.

But I see a flaw with that way of thinking. IMO, humans are probably the only species than have sex for the complete intended purpose of reproduction.

How many dogs do you see going at it that are thinking about their future puppies who will be born from this wonderful union? NONE! They are just horny and doing what feels good. They haven't got a clue that what they're doing will result in puppies in a few weeks.

Same with cows, elephants, chickens, etc. Any animal that reproduces sexually... they do it because it feels good. Only humans have the intelligence to plan copulation so that it results in a pregnancy, reproducing the species.


Hahaha the homosexuality-is-a-choice argument. Hilarious!

You do realize that makes you nutjobs look super-gay, right? Like you're having gay urges all the time but you consciously choose not to act on them? It's the dumbest argument your side has, because you're basically admitting to being closeted homos. XD

Just be gay, man. You'll be much happier not having to pretend to be straight.

- - -

Whether they find life there or not, I think Jupiter should be considered an enemy planet.


my dog is gay


yes they can, if you put male birds together in a cage, long enough, they will turn gay.


homosexuality is perfectly normal in animals, especially those that cohabitate for a long period of time. For example male penguins in zoos will have nesting tendencies and will often use rocks are their "eggs." If you are curious you can look it up online.


reticent breeders? i think that's the term


most animals are bi or gay, (like humans).




I know of many dogs, and I have found that dogs or bitches tend to have no preference. This is more with dogs though. Dogs will tend to mount other dogs because of dominance, and because there might be a sense of, love. Bitches will tend to mount other females, especially, when one or the other is in season. In this film, however, I'm sure the Rottweiler and Chihuahua were not in evry way, gay, but as the Chihuahua did not appear to have /that/ much contact with other bitches (especially) it would not really appear to know the difference.

Now I've kind of lost my self, but ah well..


saw a video of two lions shagging once, that was brutal... but interesting. There have been studies that suggest most animals can show bisexual tendencys... like humans... like my dumbass ex-boyfriend.


Ya know what was really funny, and quite silly? After they went to the Dog Grooming Salon and they found out their dogs were gay, afterwards they were sitting together and the dogs were wearing gay stereotypical clothes. Like leather. lol. How'd they get the clothes?!?! Did they run out and shop for them, or did the grooming place give them the clothes. It's quite hilarious, yet dumb.



just so you know animals can be gay.

i had a rabbit and a gunnie pig and they were both male, they followed each other around and were obviosuly in love. the rabbit then tried to have sex with the gunnie pig, however this subsequentally broke the gunnie pigs lower spine and the gunnie pig had to be out down. my rabbit was not the same since it lost the gunnie pig.

therefore i think this proves to us that animals can be gay!!!!

thank you

i read somewere that periods attract bears. they can smell the menstruation!!!


Animals can be gay.

Whales are quite famous for this.

+ I don't think being gay is a concious choice, a science teacher once told me that it has been discovered that gay people have a gene that straight people do not. This makes it entirely possible for any creature in the animal kingdom to be gay.
