
A lot of fans are waiting for a live action movie and lots of people have their cast lists made up. Well, here are my suggestions. First off, it's got to be an origins movie, an epic. Say 2 hours and 20 minutes.
Masters of the Universe
Director: Tim Story
Writers: James Eatock
Michael Edens
Lawrence G. DiTillio
Keldor/Skeletor: John Glover
Evil Lynn: Rachel McAdams
King Randor: Chuck Norris
Sorceress: Sarah Michelle Gellar
Queen Marlena: Michelle Pheifer
Teela: Alison Lohman
Man-At-Arms: Wayne Northrop
Beast Man: Clancy Brown
King Grayskull: Dolph Lungdren
Stratos: Christopher Lambert
Meckaneck: Peter Wingfield
Orko: cgi (voice) Gabe Khouth
Trap Jaw: cji (voice) John Erwin
Buzz-Off: John Schneider
Hordak: Jeremy Irons
Royal Palace Guard: Tim Thomerson

Alison Lohman for Supergirl
Flaw Fan Nation
