MovieChat Forums > Troy (2004) Discussion > Hector vs. Achilles (Vote)

Hector vs. Achilles (Vote)

Who were you rooting for during their duel.
I really wanted HECTOR to win.

"We will meet again, my brother."


Pointless rooting for either as half the world knew the outcome,as have countless milllions through Time!
If you didn't know the tale before the film I would be flabbergasted!



Let's be fair here. Wanting somebody to win is not the same thing as thinking they are going to win. For instance you could have a very nice and compassionate person who is on crutches and has no fighting experience fight a physically fit black belt who is an absolute jerk who looks down on others. Even if you know the latter is going to win, that does not mean you would want them to. I understand that that's a very extreme and also very unlikely to occur example. But it was just to make a point.


i was rooting for Hector but i dont think Achillies looked down on others its just that he came to a war he didn't believe much in and still he respected more his oponents than his own king.

his duel with hector was because of his cousin who he loved but i think Achillies was a good man.


Agamemnon was not his king.


Yes he was. Who do you think his king was?


You didn't listen closely enough to Achilles. He led his Myrmidons and stated "he (Agamemnon) is not my king"! Greece then was not a unified country but a collection of allied city states. (Corinth, Sparta,Athens, to name but 3).


That wasn't his king!


"His cousin", yeah...

Patrocles was Achilles' LOVER. That's no wonder he was so out of himself when he got killed. Career soldiers like these don't usually go *beep* for their cousins-in-arms' deaths.

To prevent that legendary fact from soiling Pitt's diapers, Patrocles was transformed as a cousin while the first shot we get of Achilles is him laying down with not one but TWO women. "What a man", concludes the spectating teenager.

Ha ha ha.



Saying Patroclus was a "cousin" is like saying Antony was only a "close friend" of Cleopatra's! lol!

I have no doubts, btw, that BP would have had any scruples about playing Achilles as a lover of Patroclus, but homophobic Hollywood moguls & scriptwriters thought otherwise.


Well, that's the funny part: Visually speaking, both actors do move and act like lovers. I have no doubts that BP is a real actor and wouldn't be afraid to play a gay/bi man.

Maybe it was edited otherwise after the filming.


Patrocles was transformed as a cousin while the first shot we get of Achilles is him laying down with not one but TWO women. "What a man", concludes the spectating teenager

There is no other way to say this except: you are wrong. Well, not a polite one at least.

The most tragic part of this all would be if this isn't some kind of gender studies assignment, but your genuine thoughts.

If there was ever a transformation of Patroclus it was a transformation INTO a homosexual character.

It was never a case in early work, poems of the Epic Cycle, art etc. and the sole argument used for pro-homosexual interpretation of their relationship (either from later antiquity or modern era) is 'god of the gaps' argument or "Well, duh...Homer never said they weren't gay!'' type of nonsense.

Not to mention both Patroclus and Achilles had female lovers.

Also, promiscuous behaviour among Greek heroes is by no means a modern invention or a product of 'toxic masculinity' aimed to produce a 'what a man' effect.

Career soldiers like these don't usually go *beep* for their cousins-in-arms' deaths.


Maybe speak with a veteran or two before making these kinds of assumptions.


Clash of cultural viewpoints between the progressive,enlightened West and second world again. You keep your pov and we will keep ours. Meeting of minds ain't gonna happen.


So, your argument against the fact Patroclus was never a homosexual character in original stories, or later, save for few dramatic texts from later antiquity, is to call me a regressive and uncivilised.


I am perfectly fine with being a barbarian that doesn't need ignorance, bias, deceit and propaganda to be 'enlightened'.

Clash of cultural viewpoints between the progressive,enlightened West and second world again.

That comment was so progressive. I'm amazed.


If you didn't know the tale before the film I would be flabbergasted!

You would think that... but when I saw Romeo + Juliet (1996) at the theatre, I had a bunch of giggling teen girls sitting behind me saying 'oh they're not gonna die are they?' during the final scene!

If people don't know the classics of something as relatively recent as Shakespear, I don't think they would have a clue about Homer.



I didnt know the tale, but given the predictability of hollywood, there was no way achilles was dieing before the end. He was the plot.

Was a chance of the fight been interrupted or achilles getting injured, but nothing worse then that for him.




Of course I knew the outcome, but was rooting for Hector anyway.


I rooted for Hector. I thought he was a great man and warrior and died because his stupid brother started a war.




I wanted Hector to win, but knew that Achilles would obviously because he was the superior swordsman.




I liked both of them and I thought they were both extremely talented warriors, but I was rooting for Troy, sooooo... Hector, all the way. Too bad that he lost the battle.

"Creativity is intelligence having fun." - Albert Einstein


I really wanted Hector to win even though I knew he was destined to lose. Doomed by Canon and all that.

To be honest I found the Hector Vs. Achilles fight to be really under-whelming and anti-climactic, not just because I knew Achilles would win but because it just felt too choreographed like a dance recital, I never really felt the pain or brutality, especially not when compared to the Hector Vs. Ajax fight, which was shorter but did so much more to make you feel the pain that was being inflicted.






At least they did not show - how Hector could run;-) (a lot)


 That's awesome! I'm glad they didn't make him such a coward in the movie like he was in the poem.


I know about Hector and Achilles fight. I will still wanting Hector to win.


I know about Hector and Achilles fight. I will still wanting Hector to win.



Still, I am reminded of a classic Woody Allen bit:
“They were doing the Dying Swan at the ballet. And there was a rumor that some bookmakers had drifted into town from upstate New York and that they had fixed the bullet. There was a lot of money bet on the swan to live.”
