Where can I see this?

I've been interesting in seeing this documentary for years now, and apparently it has only been screened once- at the Toronto Film Festival? Will this ever be available to the public?


According to wikipedia.org, never. Disney owns the rights to it and will not release it.



That's a shame. I wanted to know more about how "The Emperor's New Groove" went from originally being an epic musical drama titled "Kingdom of the Sun", to being a fun, silly comedy that we all know of toady. Hopefully, in the future, Disney will stop being such jerks about it and release it to the public. It could provide those people who want to go into the film buisness(Animation, in particular), with information of how one concept for a film can turn into something diffrent entirely. Even though I like "The Emperor's New Groove" in it's present form, one can only wonder what the movie could have been like if they had kept the original "Kingdom of the Sun" storyline. Who knows? We could have had another Disney Classic on ours hands. It could have been another Lion King or Beauty and the Beast. I also read on Wikipedia that when the filmmakers decided to revamp the story, they threw out 6 of Sting's original songs(only two of his songs remain in the final film). You get to hear a few of these deleted songs in you have "The Emperor's New Groove" soundtrack. It would have been amazing to see these songs actually animated.


From the people I knew who've actually SEEN the "finished" story reel, the film was HORRIBLE. The story was bad, the jokes were lame, it was too self-important and the only thing decent about the whole mess was the music.

That Disney won't put the film on DVD is a major tragedy, as it's a brilliant look at the creative process.



it's in the Disney vault, right next to Walt's frozen head

back in 98 I did a titty comedy for Skinemax. Sex Camp, ya remember it?


Mainly more about how tiresome the production was and how the executives and Eisner were being pushy and overdemanding on the animators. They don't want the public to see them in bad fashion, the cads. Dammit man, release this thing!

Yippee-ki-yay, pastel-colored resistance!


the only thing decent about the whole mess was the music.

I recently saw the documentary on YouTube and to be honest, I wasn't really impressed with the songs. They weren't particuarly engaging or catchy for me.


Who was the guy with the glasses and tache that killed the first version so resoundingly, trouble with the version I saw was the timecode obscuring all the names.


Thomas Schumaker.


Get it while you can, folks!


"Life is a state of mind." - Being There


I found the video on YouTube.







Hey, does anyone know where I can see it now? All the links I find don't work anymore and I've heard such great things about this doc.


the doc can currently be found on Myspleen, which is how I've seen it

and I got to say, I was disappointed in a way, because I was expecting something that really dished the dirt on Disney, after all it must have since they didn't want to release it, right? and yet it largely seems to be a typical making of documentary, albeit one that is candid and honest about the process of making The Emperor's new Groove and is not just a fluff piece making of doc like you'd see on dvd special features

I guess that's really what made them so upset, well that and the fact that there's a few cuss words (which could have been easily edited out), but it seems silly of them to treat this like it's toxic when in reality it's a fascinating behind the scenes look that DOESN'T actually paint Disney in a bad light, in fact it's very humanizing to see the actual people behind a Disney production when Disney is so often cast in a "faceless monolithic corporation" light


I can't seem to find anywhere to actually watch it. Does anyone know of any places where I can download the documentary?




Would anyone be kind enough to provide us with a new link ?
