call the cops

Why, oh whyyyy do people not just call in right when things that are out of their control happen?

I understand why the guy in the beginning didn't; because of not having a license. But the guys in the van...they shouldn't have had any problem calling the cops. Especially since she just walked right in front of them. They had to hit, then run because they were being shot at. Coming from personal experience (I hit an old lady on a lawn mower one time), cops can usually understand the unexpected.

Yep. I just wanted to vent.

Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta'


I'm curious, did you kill the woman?


lol, no. I did not.

Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta'



Insurance will go up. Just kidding. How do you hit an old lady on a lawn mover? Did you go onto a lawn or was she driving in the street? Sure he might not get arrested but he will get sued and still might get arrested if he was reckless (turning around to punch a friend). Also - not everyone thinks clearly after they hit and kill someone.


The guy in the beginning had two reasons, other than killing someone. He was driving on a suspended liscence, as a previus poster said, but he was also drunk. And the three young men who ran over Cheri didn't call mostly because the driver was turning around to hit his friend and actually threatens his passengers with NOT going to the hospital unless they promise to lie and say he WASN'T hitting his friend when the accident occured.


that was one thing i didn't understand, i thought he really didn't hit his friend? didn't they just drive off after hitting the girl?


Mark turned around and was hitting Eddie to make him stop peeing out of the window. Because Mark was turned around, he didn't see Cheri in the middle of the road and killed her. That's why he was hesitant on going straight to the police - because he was turned around, hitting Eddie, and not paying attention to the road. And they only drove off after hitting Cheri because Duffy pulled out his gun and was going to shoot them.

Dick Laurent is dead


aaaah, hitting as in hitting him with his hands. i thought with his car. thanks!


I guess you had a good experience with a good cop, causing you to trust them all?

I trust a guy with a badge and a sidearm about as far as I can throw him.

If you are Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


"I hit an old lady on a lawnmower one time."

I guess that isn't a funny situation but I chuckled when I read that. It could be taken two ways. Eiter you were on a lawnmower and ran into a lady or a lady was on a lawnmower an you ran into her.

I did sixty in five minutes once...
