MovieChat Forums > 11:14 (2004) Discussion > Funniest Scene Ever

Funniest Scene Ever

First of all, I loved this movie. I ended up watching it for the first time some nights ago on showtime at 1:00 in the morning. I started watching it 15 minutes into the movie and was hooked. After it was over, I was curious to find out what exactly happened in the first 15 minutes I had missed. So instead of waiting for it to come on showtime again, I rented it at blockbuster. And oh boy, am I glad I did.

I found out that Henry Thomas was driving the car that hit the body thrown over the overpass. But as Thomas' character was being thrown into the back of the police car, who else but Buzzy and Duffy were patiently waiting back there to be taken to the police station. While Henry breaks free and the cop takes off after him, we can see Duffy and Buzzy flee out of the police car and down the street.

That scene had me on the floor and just thought it deserved honorable mention for being extremely funny...


yeah that was pretty funny.. i liked the store scene where hes about to shoot hilary swank in the arm! the dialogue is so funny

"Have you ever danced with a refrigerator?"


I agree the shooting scene in the store was hilarious!



I'm watching the movie right now and personally I don't think it's very funny.

Kate Winslet for Best Actress 2007


Well, I think it's very funny!!! If you think about it, the reason they ran out of the police car is so that they would'nt have to go to jail. Plus the fact that the police officer closed the door before chasing after that one guy but Buzzy purposely put her foot out to keep the door from shutting.



I think the funniest scene was when Duffy shot Buzzy. The dialogue is priceless, they're just so funny! Especially Hilary Swank with the braces...lmao And Duffy scrambling around to get the phone and the paper towels "You said on three!!!!" HAHAH! Too funny!


I didn't find any part of this film funny.



In Bruges -- now that's a funny film.


why does everyone here talk down to everyone all the time? I just don't get that.

D Phanatic


whoa- the first time I saw this was June 13th, it feels like yesterday. Well I watched 11:14 again and thought I would pay my respects to this great movie by returning again for a visit.

"Have you ever danced with a refrigerator?"


The funniest scene ever is when the cop turns around to Duffy and goes, "What about the penis?" I was lmao at both of their facial expressions.


Funniest scene took place in the graveyard when Rachael Cook was screwing her boyfriend and climaxed after the headstone crushed her boyfriend. The scene was pure comedic genius, much funnier than the way I just explained it.


The penis line was definately the funniest.

I first turned the movie on *just* after the initial poster did, when the drunk driver was being questioned and thrown in the back. I was hooked from that scene too, even though I knew I missed a lot (including the body first being tossed onto the road).


That's really weird, because I tuned it at that exact same moment. I was hooked too, and then tuned in at the second showing to fill in the blanks. What a good movie. Was this in theaters or something?


I watched this film last night ...and don't even remember the scene "when Rachael Cook was screwing her boyfriend!" All day I've been wondering who Frank had discovered and why he was doing all that stuff with the body. I'm going to have to rent this one and watch for that scene; it will explain a lot for me.



I started watching halfway through the first time and had to watch it again (and again) so it could all sink in. Fortunately it has been on several times this month. This is a dark comedy, so those of us who like that kind of thing will find several funny scenes. Not everyone likes movies like movies like this, however, and they will see it a different way entirely.


You make an excellent point. I rented Fargo shortly after it came out on video and didn't experience it as a comedy. I was working in law enforcement at the time and a film that early on featured the gratuitous murder of an officer in the line of duty did not strike me as funny. Later I was surprised to read a review that called it a comedy, and I saw it again with that in mind. I could see where they were going, but it still didn't appeal to my own sense of humor. Personally, I prefer light fare, but I don't mind serious stuff if treated in a serious way. I don't like making death funny or mixing up sex and violence - death is serious and sex should be fun, even when it's not funny, which it often is.


If I recall, Fargo was based on a real life murder or murderer - my memory grows dim. Considering that, I absolutely could not find anything funny about it and was, in fact, offended that they would make a comedy based on a real life murder. If I'm wrong on that sorry, but that's how I remember it.

But, attempts at death comedies are nothing new - Death Becomes Her...what's the old Hitchcock movie with Shirley McLaine? Is it Trouble with Harry?

Honestly, I think two very funny murder/death comedies were Arsenic and Old Lace and Clue. I think where I run into a problem is when a movie is trying to be a drama and comedy at the same time - which is what I think this one attempted.


From my perspective, what saves The Trouble with Harry is that we aren't sure who caused Harry's death, it never appears to have been a cold-blooded murder, and in the end it wasn't foul play at all; plus, Harry wasn't a nice guy. Arsenic and Old Lace, OTOH, is saved by the fact the Brewsters have only a tenuous connection to reality.
The films that really bother me as I get older are those that invite us to go along for the ride with the murderer or other cfiminal and see his point of view. If this malefactor is having a great time, that makes it worse.


I thought this was the funniest scene as well, it was good macabre.


I thought the Buzzy-Duffy scene in the store was the funniest too. Shawn Hatosy was perfect for the role - he looks like such a tough guy but the dialogue and his facial expressions and posture made him look like a whiny wimp. It was so unexpected out of the guy who our first impression was of when he pulls a gun out of his trousers and shoots the van.


Perhaps it's just me, but I thought the fact that one guy got castrated via car window was hysterical.
#1 Wee Man Fan


Almost everything that happened at Lloyd's.



No way, this is the funniest scene, and I don't think most people realize what happened... But let me make sure I (and you all) have everything straight first... Aaron comes to pick up Cheri in his blue car... He gets out to chase her and they end up down at the cemetery (which is very close to her house)... They have sex, and the angel head crushes Aaron's face... Cheri decides to go get Duffy's bowling ball to frame him (as she tells Stephanie on the phone that Duffy came by and saw them)... To do this, she goes back home and borrows the white Honda from her dad...

As she comes back to the cemetery, the blue car (Aaron's) is pulling out, and she pulls in in the white car after it turns... She takes the bowling ball, goes over to the body... ... ..but it's gone... Now, we know dad (Frank) came and hauled the body away, but he was (for some reason) using Aaron's car; most likely because 1) he knew Aaron was abusive and thought something was wrong, and 2) Cheri had the white car, and the blue one was there and available for dad to use...

So, dad's hauling Aaron away in his own car, but Cherie doesn't know this... When she notices the body gone, she either looks back (which I don't think, because the blue car came out of the cemetery and turned right) or flashes back in her memory to see Aaron's car driving away...

If I have to spell it out for you, Aaron's body gone, his car driving away... She freaks out (as I'm sure most people would), and drops the bowling ball... Hilarious!!!


Ha! I didn't catch that when I watched it, that's hilarious. So my boyfriend without half his head got back in his car and drove away!?

If you are Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


Another part that at least deserves an honorable mention was Duffy's "why!!!!???" right after Buzzy shot the glass cooler door. Just the way he said it and the expression on his face. LMAO. That had me rolling before they even got around to the infamous "shoot me in the arm" scene!




There were a lot of dark, funny moment in this movie. Some were bizarre and unless you're in the mood for the type of humor being shown you might not get it --- but the "shoot my arm" scene really ranks up there, along with what came after ... and honestly, as horrible as it was when the girl got hit by the van, in a macbre way that was freakily (and ironically) funny too.


i like the part when henry thomas got away from the cop and runs into the mom looking for Patrick swayze lol.. and she starts flipping out on him and he runs away lol.. he like throws his arms in the air as he's running lol.. i could just imagine how freaked out i would be in that same situation lol.. like HOLY *beep* CANT BELIEVE THIS IS *beep* HAPPENING!! lol


"I was looking for something bigger." That's the best.

Read Dewey Flynn.
