MovieChat Forums > 11:14 (2004) Discussion > MAGNOLIA RIP-OFF!!!


Father daughter relationship, with protective father and troubled daughter- check
ensemble cast- check
fate's a bitch, or whatever lesson u want to take- check
*beep* up clerk(hillary swank-william h macy. and her role was originally written for a guy) - check
good guy dumbie cop- check

I'm sure there are literally a million 0ther similarities but im too bored to type it up and am in fact offended by the blatant theft. ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY NOM!! NOW! NOW! NOW NOW NOW!!!


Ridiculous argument - check!
Blatant disregard for grammar - check!


Everything that you stated was so vauge.
That could describe a lot of movies.


I can't even believe you actually are so intense about this, are you serious?

I hope your kidding, if not than that's pretty sad.


I can't really see how Magnolia and 11:14 are even remotely similar, but have you seen a film called Short Cuts (1993)? Now, Magnolia could definitely be called a rip-off of that one! So, who's ripping off who??


No movies are completely original. - check
People have a tendency to think their introduction to a plot or trope is the definition of it. - check
People then come on the internet to complain when they see another film using this plot or trope. - check
All the while not realizing that the film they are so vehemently defending likely "ripped off" something else that came before it. - check
