MovieChat Forums > 11:14 (2004) Discussion > Anyone else find Swank hilarous in this?

Anyone else find Swank hilarous in this?

Her character was just so dorky and odd. The entire "shoot me" scene was a hoot, I was laughing quite a bit. I don't know if it was just me, but I thought she was hilarious. I rented this movie expecting a suspenseful thriller (which is what the synopsis on the back cover states), and instead I got a cleverly constructed, darkly comedic, strange little movie - I loved it though! Really well done. The cover artwork is really misleading though.

A Black Christmas (1974) Fansite



I thought it was really funny too! And I agree about the dark comedy part :D


i think the braces made it even funnier

the dude abides


lol, what caught me kind of strange was trying to figure out her character was supposed to be...because she was acting like a 16 year old...but looked a lot older.


Hilary with braces? I gotta see this!


Swank is a Skank.


hey that rhymes!


Yes, it was funny.
She just seemed like an ordinary if not very bright young woman.



I didn't get it.. she was in the role of a teenager but in her thirties.. are we still supposed to believe he is a child?!


that's the magic of movies...i guess...


Yeah, she was hilarious. In all the movies that I have seen her in she has always been serious, but in this one she was really funny. I think this movie is fantastic. "I'm dead, I'm so dead." HILARIOUS


lol yeah it was a funny ass part.. when he pinches the part of her arm for him to shoot and she says ow! his reaction was hilarious.. lol they had pretty good chemistry in all their scenes together now that i think about it.


For the record, my DVD box as well as IMDb call it a black comedy. :)


One of the best Hillary Swank character performances !! I think she does way better in comedy than drama (Boys Don't Cry, didn't like her in that, though she did act well..., just didn't like the character.)


In the trivia section it says the part was originally written for a male but she really wanted the part and they rewrote it. Besides she was one on the Executive Producers so I guess that settled it.


Well, if that Duffy/Buzzy thing from "last Summer" still happened, that would have added a whole new layer of fun to the equation!


The "shoot me" scene is based on a true story. When writer/director Greg Marcks was a senior in high school, two convenience store clerks in his hometown decided to stage a robbery by shooting each other. Only one of them was shot, though. When the first clerk to pull the trigger saw how much it hurt, he wouldn't hand the gun over to the other clerk.


I wasn't thinking of her as a teenager, but rather as in her mid/late-20's.
Older people sometimes wear braces. The others all appeared to be in their 20's also, except for tht boys in the van.


am i the only one found her hot in those braces?


You're not the only one, she really look hot with them. Though she looked HOTTER in The Reaping. WOW! But back to the topic, she was hilarious in here. She was great, funny stuff!

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


Hahaha, can't believe this thread is still going almost five years later! I haven't seen this movie in several years but I still get her character stuck in my mind. I always took it she was in her mid/late-20s as well, and the braces were just there for a comedic touch because they made her look even more awkward and gawky. She really did crack me up in this movie though, I need to watch it again one of these days.


She's my favorite character, I'm glad she was able to escape.

Men I wish were gay
