MovieChat Forums > 11:14 (2004) Discussion > Recite the alphabet backwords please

Recite the alphabet backwords please

The thing is you can only thing is thats the kind of thing you DO DO when you are drunk.

See you in 2 hours


I don't understand what you just said, but I couldn't recite the alphabet backwards sober!


Yeah, I laughed when I read the op message, but yeah who can recite it backwards. I mean to prove your sobriety. Okay, this is making no sense, but I double your opionion, and I was thinking I would come off as an idiot because I wouldn't be able to say it quickly without mistakes. I mean where is the flaw that proves to the cop that, oh yeah, this guy is tanked.


I watched this again a couple of weeks ago, and I was able to recite the alphabet backwards all by myself! Of course, I was stone cold sober. I couldn't imagine trying it after drinking or after hitting someone with my car!

I remember an interesting friend of ours taught my son how to do this when he was 5. I'm going to have to check and see if he can still do it.


<< I remember an interesting friend of ours taught my son how to do this when he was 5. I'm going to have to check and see if he can still do it. >>

It has more to do with one's conceptual/learning style. When I was about three, we got stranded on the side of a rural road and my mom came up with the Backwards Alphabet Challenge in order to keep me preoccupied...

A minute later, she had to come up with another challenge.

"Ted Kennedy has killed more people than second-hand smoke ever will."


In our situation, every time this friend came over he asked Joey if he remembered how to do the alphabet backwards and he was able to do it every time. He was a very mature kid and turned out to be one of those 4.0 people with no common sense. He finally picked up some common sense a couple of years ago and will be 30 this year. Next time we're drinking I'm going to see if he can do it.

But I know what you mean about stimulating kids' brains to keep them from being bored. On long rides my daughter always wanted me to give her math problems to work out loud. I have WEIRD children. I'll bet she can't recite the alphabet backwards!


You people are missing the point. Of course it's hard to do it either way, but they're trying to see how you handle the situation under pressure. Few people will be able to say it fluently, so they will most likely be relegated to trying to figure it out on the fly. If you're drunk, you'll be struggling and slurring your words, and will probably give up, but if you're sober you'll work through it.


Lol, that's a funny post! What are you trying to say?

"Give me but one firm place on which to stand and I shall move the Earth." - ARCHIMEDES


I can't recite the alphabet backwards sober or drunk. LOL. If you're a police officer and you ask people to do this, that's cruel.

If one could drown in the grass, it might be the best way to die.


I thought that scene in the movie was pretty funny. I was trying to recite the alphabet while the guy was saying it and I almost went the whole way.


Drunk were wrote you when this you?


Zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba, mother fuc kas!


yeah i can do it. be prepared

Lisa: If I could have any job in the world I'd be a professional Cinderella.


Guess I'm one of the few, because everybody on the board seem to think it's some outrageous task.

There was some stupid alphabet song (a DIFFERENT ABC song than the normal one) I learned as a child in school or something, and we sang it forwards and we sang it backwards every day and I still remember it, so I literally know the alphabet backwards and forwards, and can say it backwards just as fast as forwards. I only wish that someday a cop asks me to do it, I'll blow his mind. I could be drunk and I know I'd have no trouble (aside from possibly slurring my speech).

Of course he'll probably think I learned the alphabet backwards specifically to foil cops eager for a DUI bust.

If you are Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!



This thread is brilliant!
