MovieChat Forums > 11:14 (2004) Discussion > What makes the phone go off?

What makes the phone go off?

So what exactly makes Cheri's phone go off in the end? Because that is just the missing jigsaw in my puzzle... hope it's not the "well-it's-kinda-cool-to-let-the-phone-do-something-special-at-that-exact-time-just-to-add-the-final-drop-of-mysteriousness-to-the-whole-coincidenceness-of-it-all"-thing, because that would be kinda not cool. But I gotta give it to them, this film rules big time. It's like that one scene in Snatch, worked out to a complete feature movie, not so funny of course but sooo *beep* brilliant...




I don't know, but here are some possibilities:

Consider who has her phone number:

1) Cheri's girlfriend, who, at the end of the convo in Cheri's room, says that she'll call back, but never does, though Cheri calls her back from the graveyard to begin framing Duffy.

2) The guy that Cheri was going to run away with had just talked to her on the phone, about one minute before, when she was in her car at the graveyard. She told him somewhat where she was, but not exactly. However, at the point that her phone rings, he should be outside his car and about to be on the run from the cop, except that he's talking to...

3) Cheri's mom, who is calling the police chief at that time, and then picking up Frank in town.

4) Aaron, who's dead.

5) Duffy, who's already in the cop car, in handcuffs.

6) Frank... Hmm... who has Cheri's keys and knows about Aaron's fate. He isn't back home yet. He is either chasing his dog, or in town burning his shirt.

Good question! I'll look into it further and get back to you...


Oh, it'so good to find out other people with the same question I had after watching the movie. Who called her?


It can't be frank calling cheri cuz hes throwing Aaron's body of the bridge. it can't be the guy who Cheri was going to run away with because a body just fell on his car, and the only people who we dont know about r the mom, and the friend. The mom is driving at the moment it happens, and in a few minutes she stops to see the guy who she thinks hit a dear.


The phone call must have been from Cheri's friend. As stated, Frank is throwing Aaron's body off of the bridge, Jack had Aaron's body fall onto his car, and her mother said to Jack when she pulled up that she never got to use her brand-new cell phone before. That only really leaves Cheri's girlfriend.

Dick Laurent is dead


Why couldn't it have been Jack?

The impact of the body hitting his car could have caused him to hit the send button.

Also immediately before he flips the radio station doesn't he try to call her back after losing the connection?


Jack wasn't even holding the phone when Aaron's body fell on his car. After he talked with Cheri, he put the phone down and had both hands on the steering wheel.

Dick Laurent is dead



At the moment the Mystery Caller hits the "send" button to call Cheri, it's roughly 11:13:55. This is also about the same time Cheri's dad drops Boyfriend #1's body off the overpass.

The impacts of Boyfriend #1 on Boyfriend #3's windshield, Cheri on Teenagers' van and Evil Sliding Razor Window of Death on Doofus #2's junk all occur at 11:14:01.

The two likely candidates for Mystery Caller are Cheri's g/f and Cheri's mom. I tend to prefer the latter, as it makes for a nicer jab of irony.

"Ted Kennedy has killed more people than second-hand smoke ever will."



"Time's up!"


I guess they just wanted to put Motorola in the movie :).


forgive me if i'm wrong because it's been a while when i last watcht this movie. But do we actualy here the phone ring?? Maybe she is just checking the time on her phone, because this makes much more sense because if she was being called wouldn't the name of the one calling her be in the display, it's not al you see is the time.


it wasn't anybody in the film imho. Just karma's way of getting back at her


forgive me if i'm wrong because it's been a while when i last watcht this movie. But do we actualy here the phone ring??

we don't hear the phone ring in the final scene...the first time they show her walking over to duffy and he is watching her, you hear it the final scene we don't here it..probably because we here the boots are made for walking someone called her...



Are we sure Duffy didn't call? For some reason I remember Duffy reching into the car to do something while she was crossing the street, then he looks and sees the van coming, then looks back at her. I almost thought he called her from a phone he had in the car in order to make her stop in front of the van. If someone watches it again please let me know.


No, it wasn't Duffy. He was reaching for his jumper cables when he noticed that his bowling ball was missing.

Dick Laurent is dead


Thanks for clarifying, I knew it couldn't have been him.



I just re-watched the ending. The phone says "Ready" at just about the same point in the song ("These Boots") that Nancy Sinatra was singing "Ready boots? Start Walking!". I think it's just another irony that the director threw in!


It was a text message, that said "Ready", then the time, 11:14.


I'm almost shure that it was Cheri's boyfriend #4 :P


I'm almost sure that it was Cheri's boyfriend #4 :P


Yeah, makor86... I thought it was BF #4 too... lol It sure would have fit her "profile" .. lol



well there was a message saying "ready?" at 11:14
I assumed its her 4th boyfriend or something.


It was the ghost from One Missed Call

"Worthington, we're being attacked by giant bats!"


WoW! I know I'm posting on threads that are really ancient, but even all these years later in watching the movie it seems as though its still very unclear, to the viewer, what exactly the cell phone screen shown means.

In my realizing this movie is from 2003 I have to ask was text messaging even yet accessible from most mobile phones 11 years ago?.. I get that text messages were possible via cell in 2003, but I really don't think they were common knowledge to most and therefor not at all in regular use from most cell phones...

I will say that the very last scene when her phone rings/dings and then cuts to featuring nothing but Cheri's cell phone screen, it clearly reads, "Ready" with the time of "11:14pm" directly under the word "Ready". So, to me, it very much read as a text message saying, "Ready", that Cheri received while crossing the street.

So, what was it?.. A call?.. Or a text?.. And I guess for me that seems more important than who the actual caller/sender is...if it was a call, which seems more likely based on the era of the movie made(2003), why does her cell screen say, "Ready" unless that is the contact name that she has that particular person listed as on her cell phone contact list?

And I obviously don't know the answer, and therefor only listing two possibilities that it can be(call/text), along with my own rambling thoughts on was text messaging technology even in wide use at that time. And which of the two seem to be the more likely

I guess it'll never be known for certain unless someone from the film is ever asked and answers the question about the movie's final, closing scene involving the cell phone screen.
