MovieChat Forums > 11:14 (2004) Discussion > How did I not know about this flick?

How did I not know about this flick?

Just watched this for the first time, but I knew nothing of this movie. I don't know if it was widely released, and that's a shame.

Great movie.


There are a lot of small independent films that slip through the cracks, even when they have recognizable stars like Hilary Swank and Patrick Swayze. I came upon this one one of the movie channels. I like Hilary Swank and the premise sounded interesting, so I decided to watch it the next time it came on.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


Definitely deserved more notice.


Glad you finally saw it, I think I finally saw it about ten years ago or less late-night on HBO and I'm glad I did. What I call a nice little "gem" of a movie.

Dave "Crown Time" Blankenship for Time Man of the Year.


I just watched it tonight, looking for something on HBO & saw the RT score. It was fun to watch and agree, they should have spent more promoting it.


Watching this again. Still a very good flick.


Crap, HBO go just took it off their service. I had planned on watching it tonight. :(
