was there a fourth He-man series ?

I remember a different He-man series not the 90's one or 80s. maybe.


To the best of my knowledge there were only three. The original, the early 90s continuation and the early 2000s version. The only one that lasted was the original and it was a part of the sword and sorcery craze from the early 80s. The original Masters of the Universe hit at exactly the right time. It's why the line has never been able to reclaim its original glory. I liked the original first 11 mini comics. They were dark and brutal. Then the original cartoon came out and it was kind of (in my opinion) goofy. As a kid I watched it, but it always bothered me that it was so dang childish. Granted it was geared towards kids, but so were similar cartoons like Thundar the Barbarian and Dungeons and Dragons and they aged a heck of a lot better.


Yeah who would think that a show that made for kids. Would actually be for kids and not weirdo adults that watch children cartoons.


I haven't seen a He-Man cartoon since it originally aired. If you read most post, and comprehended what I wrote, then you would have been able to understand that even when I was a child it bothered my how goofy this cartoon was. When I was four I was initially introduced to He-Man by way of the mini comics that came with the original line up of action figures (Which I also said in my initial post). The comics were dark and serious. And while I haven't read them in about thirty years I remember them very well. And I wouldn't have even bothered to post here (I'm not a fan of the He-Man cartoon) but one night it was on this websites main page so I clicked on it. The original poster asked about how many He-Man series that there were. Since I remembered that too, I figured that I would help the original poster out. I am glad that I could further clarify what I originally, wrote to the original poster.
