Fave quote...

What is your favorite quote from SD2? I love
(Shaggy) This is tied for the worst day of my life!
(Velma) Tied with what?
(Shaggy) Every other freaking day of my life!
I just love the look on Matthew Lillards face when he says that!

You have bewitched me, body and soul. And I love, I love, I love you...


Shaggy: We're gonna die!
Daphne: Think Positive
Shaggy: We're gonna die quickly


Velma: That was my outfit, I swear!

La maîtrise de sa chair
Son rêve
Sa folie
Sa sagesse




(fred)"hey! he said my thing that I say!"

"I hope I will have achieved something lasting." Graham Chapman 1941-1989


I love
"Quick we need to think of a comeback.....hey you..Shut up!"


Mine's when the gang end up in a cage after ringing the doorbell a second time and plunging through the trapdoor.

Girl Scout: "Would you like to buy some cookies?"

Jehovah's Witnesses: "Hey, have you heard the good news?"

Scooby: "Yes, there are cookies!"


Does Fred say, "Hey, watch the junk!" after that? When they're all on top of him in the giant orb?


I love when they misquote Freddie the second time "Coolsville's Dumb!" and he just bangs his head on the steering wheel.



My fav is (Forgive me if I get this wrong):

Velma: Mystery is my mistress, and I must heed her sweet call.

Men speak conveniently of love when it serves their purpose.


All of them because Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed is the best film of all time
