MovieChat Forums > Cold Creek Manor (2003) Discussion > Just Saw it the other Day, Was This a Jo...

Just Saw it the other Day, Was This a Joke? Please tell me it was...

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Sorry for the all caps, I know it's annoying. But honestly, I could not sit through the whole thing (on TV). I walked out in the middle of it. I thought the story line sucked, I mean... it could've been decent but they made everybody stupid. The acting was horrible, but I couldn't tell if it was because of the script or because of the actors. Either way, a superb actor should be able to pull off a script no matter how ridiculous.

I didn't even like the idea of Dennis Quaid and Sharon Stone. They are unconvincing as a married couple? He so seems like the tame, dull, routine type of guy. She seems like the sexy vixen who wants someone adventurous and has a surprise around every corner (Steven Dorff? LOL). Obviously it's typecasting. I'm surprised she didn't cheat on him. Plus I thought Dennis Quaid was a bit effeminate, did anyone pick up on that?

The little boy was a better actor than the girl was. I know I've seen her in other things, hell she was better in that Disney movie than she was in this. I noticed a lot of the time she was very awkward, uncomfortable... kept shifting and being nervous. Anyone else notice this? I noticed this especially when they were having lunch at Pinski's. And when she was on the phone, and her mom told her to get off, she still sat there on it for a little bit. But from then until she hung up, her mouth didn't move AT ALL. Just ridiculous.

The stupidest thing was that they tolerated Dale's (Dorff) presence from the time they met him, which he was creepy from the moment the boy found him wandering the house.

I left around the time when Dennis Quaid was trying to tell Sharon Stone that there was something wrong with him... and it pissed me off that she didn't believe him. I'm like, come on what are you stupid?! So I left and came back hours later, stoned, to find that it's on again... and the first thing that happens is "I believe you now. I think you're on to something" I'm like bitch please"... and then I finished the movie and it was less annoying, it was much more amusing LOL.

Gargoyles are *beep* tacky.


Okay, first off:
It was the script, not the actors. Even a great actor like Stephen Dorff or Dennis Quaid couldn't pull off one as crappy as this. Sad to say it's true, though.
Second: She DID cheat on him. She admits it later in the movie. You must've missed it. A co-worker offered her a VP slot and then asked her to 'stay the night'. She said yes.
It's possible that they felt sorry for Dale. I would, hell, you lose your beautiful house to the bank because you missed a few payments? They probably figured he had no place to stay (wrong: Stayed at his girlfriends, I think...)and no job, and so they saw him as the previous owner and allowed him to work for them. I agree, it was stupid of her to just ignore all of Cooper's warnings...she was probably just like 'he's so hot he wouldn't do that blah blah blah.' (At least...I thought he was hot. XD) But seriously, try to watch the entire movie. There are several scene's that'll leave tears of laughter in your eyes.

I hunt.
Therefore I live.
Harvesting the land...
Taking of the fallen lamb.


Yeah, I actually have to agree that it was the script. I just don't understand why they would want to participate in this movie after reading the script. But I know this is a common thing, actors picking the wrong movies... maybe because the director is well-known, or they don't really see that the outcome of the movie may not be so good.
I could've sworn that she told Dennis Quaid that she said yes, but didn't go through with it. Could be wrong, but that's what I thought happened. Funnily enough, if she really did do it... that just makes me more mad! Because, so she cheated on her ex-husband to get a job promotion and doesn't even end up filling the spot.
I know what you mean about them feeling sorry for Dale. But I just feel that this is common sense. He was just creepy, and I know they picked up on it at first, because I could see they were very uneasy. I think it would've been believeable if Dale had just knocked on the door, introduced himself... say "I wanted to pick some things up that have been left here." Made conversation with them about the house... maybe make up some history. Ask if he could have a look around, for old times sake. Comment on different rooms and stuff. Have a really friendly conversation... then start talking about the work the house needs etc. Then mention he needed to work for some money, that he was in a rut and hadn't had any luck finding job. Not say that he just got out of jail!
It just would have made the movie a lot better if we saw Dale as a really congenial person, very open, very nice... and then come to find out he's really crazy. That way, when Sharon Stone doesn't believe her husband, we could understand why she wouldn't believe him. But as he is, it's not that far fetched to believe. He's a creepy guy, and I think it should have been enough for them to notice. I mean, out of all of them the daughter was one who didn't think he was a good person.
Oh I plan to watch the entire movie someday... I believe that it will be pure comedy. LOL. OH the part I thought was really stupid was when he pushed Sharon Stone into "devil's throat" and then Dennis pulled her out. Why didn't he just run out and push Dennis in and then close it up? What was the point of pushing her in if she was gonna come back out? But then I would've missed my favorite part, when Dale barges in the house "COOOOPER!!! LEEEEAAAH!!!" LOL I couldn't remember their names this whole time, but as soon as I remember that dramatic yell... the names come back to me.

P.S.>Stephen Dorff is really hot... but in a really creepy kind of way

Gargoyles are *beep* tacky.


This is one of the only movies I've ever walked out of when it was in theaters. I can honestly say it was the worst movie I've ever seen. I also walked out of John Q and Alexander.
