I wonder....

At the end of the movie, they showed the police officer under the desk, but they don't show what happened to her if she lived or died. well if anyone knows what happened please tell me
thanx a bunch!!!



on the alternate ending on the dvd, they show the police womans sister wheeling her around in a wheelchair, but she dosn't look very mobile. so i'd say she lives


---Spoiler Alert----
On the DVD, the "alternate ending" has a very pregnant Juliette Lewis, pushing her now quadraplegic sister in a wheelchair after visiting Dale's grave. This is one of the many things in the movie that wasn't clear.


I wondered that too. Thanks for the info.


---Spoiler Alert----

---Spoiler Alert----
On the DVD, the "alternate ending" has a very pregnant Juliette Lewis, pushing her now quadraplegic sister in a wheelchair after visiting Dale's grave. This is one of the many things in the movie that wasn't clear.
If she is pregnant, that wouldn't make sense because I thought that Dale couldn't have kids. Well at least according to his father.


the father was a wretched senile creep, do you really think you can take his word on it? he wouldn't know unless he had his son's semen tested, i kinda doubt he did. in fact, i assume that as soon as dale learned of his wife's infidelity he killed her and the children...and then ran over the true father, which landed him in jail on a manslaughter charge.
