
Rebella was found dead the nigh of June 6th by fellow director JP Stoll. He commited suicide.

He was the great co diretor of Whisky and 25 Watts...



This are horrible news, h was the best( with Stoll of course) dircxtor in Uruguay and one of the most crative in latin america.
Whisky & 25 watts are just perfect!!


Sorry if my question sounds too trivial. But who has him? I mean I saw the "making of" documentary of the film and I noticed the two directors, one is darkest, slimmer and taller and the other one shorter, chubbier and with light hair.

so I was wondering who is Rebella? but since in the "making of" they aren't called by their names then I stayed clueless, I couldn't figure out who he was.

BTW I watched the mexican edition of "Whisky".

RIP Juan Pablo Rebella. Such a great loss.

In spanish:

discúlpenme si la pregunta les resulta demasiado trivial pero ¿cuál de los dos directores era él? Yo ví el "making of" documental en el DVD mexicano de Whisky. pero como nunca se mencionan sus nombres no pude identificarlos.
Uno de los directores es más moreno, tiene pelo corto, es más alto y delgado, el otro es más bajito, rechoncho, pelo más largo y más claro.
Como no queda claro quien es quien pues me ha quedado la duda de saber cuál de los dos era el finado Juan Pablo.

Descanse en paz.

PS: por cierto como se pronunciaba su apellido "Rebella" (como suena en español o "Rebela" como algunos lo llamaban?

Gracias por su amable respuesta.

They who believe that the money does everything, end by doing everything for money


I believe Rebella was the slimmer of the two directors interviewed in the special features of "Whisky."
