MovieChat Forums > Whisky (2004) Discussion > Isn't it a little like........?

Isn't it a little like........?

I saw this film at the MoMa and I can't deny that it is good, but doesn't it remind you a wee bit too much of "Stranger than Paradise"? Hat's off to the filmakers for their great pacing and comedic timing but too much of the plot (the triangle in the beach environment, road trip, unhappy girl, coming into a bunch of money) are pulled straight out of Jarmush's film. I can't wait to see what these guys do next. Check out their earlier film... I think its called "40 watts"or "25 watts"or something like that


25 watts

Haha i am from Uurugay, (place where this movie and 25 watts is made)

I'm too sexy for this boards
Love is asking to be loved



I'm Uruguayan too, and I agree this movie rocks!
At first I thought the action was a little slow, and the characters were so ordinary, until I realize that was the charming thing!
It's the perfect reflection of the mechanic life...
I think the directors (Pablo Rebella and Juan Pablo Stoll) really deserves the awards they won, and I hope they still doing such great movies like "Whisky" or "25 watts" to show the world that Uruguay can make films that touch your heart.

Ponnytail from Uruguay


well, well, I'll be damned...
ponnytail and Very Irresistible, fellow movie fans from my own country, and with such sexy nicknames... hell, babes...where can I find you????



Ché, si somos todos yoruguas quedamos como unos boludos hablando inglés...!

(Para los gringos):

"Hey, if we are all yoruguas, we´ll be acting like morons if we keep speaking english...!"

Aunque sí, me gustaría saber quienes son estas minas ("chicks") que usan esos nicks...

"strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government"


en serio, che. si estamos entre uruguayos... me pregunto yo porque no hablamos (o escribimos) en castellano??? no les parece ridiculo estar escribiendo en ingles si todos tenemos la misma lengua en comun, que no es precisamente la inglesa???
en fin, cuando nos comuniquemos con foraneos me parece barbaro, pero entre nosotros deberiamos hablar en castellano
un abrazo
whisky is one of the best film ever made here, every one should watch this amazing movie!!! (obvio que esto es pa´los que no entendieron un carajo de lo anteriormente escrito)
good bye


not to write english in an international board is a bit racist, or not?

i just saw this movie and it rocks!

greetings from Austria


isn´t it a bit racist to think that english is the "international" language? why do we have to understand all the english post? don´t you ever think that many people in the world doesn´t speak english? if we make an effort to understand the english posts, well, i think that the non-spanish speakers could do the same, or not? don´t get me wrong, i don´t have anything against the language (as you can see,i can write,read and speak a bit english -not very good-)but i don´t think that write in spanish, portuguese, french or whatever is an act of racism.
greetings for you too, see ya!


erm, its not racist, it is a simple fact, like it or not.


ok, it´s a simple fact... but if i wanna write in my native language, i´ve got the right, haven´t i ? cause so many people here don´t speak english...and besides, it´s an uruguayan movie, and maybe the users that posted in this forum are from uruguay... i think the best way to express your unhappiness it´s writting "please, i don´t understand what you´re talking about... would you mind to write in english?" because we don´t have a racist intention and we don´t wanna hurt the non-spanish speakers feelings ...


I don't think it's racist, I just assumed that only spanish speaking people were interested in this thread.

Greetings from the southern hemisphere...

Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.



And i thought i was the only Uruguayan here in imdb.

It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage.
Indiana Jones, "Raiders of the Lost Ark"


I saw Whisky, and I think this:
Jacobo, born in Transylvania, is a very hungry vampire. He was feeding from his mother till she finally died, and had to have fresh food. So he convinced his brother (another vampire living in Brazil), to come down to Uruguay, to enjoy a good meal: one of Jacobo's employees in the sock factory. Jacobo told his brother he needs him: In order to capture the potential lunch, they come up with this "I don't want my brother to see me not married" story that Jacobo tells Marta. They are those kind of vampires that enjoy the preliminaries.
So, Marta bites the bait, and goes to live with Jacobo. When the brother comes they decide to go to a Hotel that remains them their castle in Transylvania. Off they go and in the Hotel the brother decides to eat his part alone, so he seduces Marta singing. Marta is half eaten and brother goes away. Jacobo kept Marta in the factory, serving him for two purposes: snack and cheap worker.
The sequel, coming soon, will show us Jacobo and Marta as a couple of vampires in the exciting world of stocking makers. I can't wait.



No vi esta pelicula aun. Creo que no ha llegado a los estados unidos todavia. Yo tambien soy uruguaya. Creo que de las mejores peliculas uruguayas hasta ahora la mejor ha sido " en la puta vida" . Fui a la premiere en Hollywood y tuve el placer de conocer a Beatriz Flores Silva y a mariana tambien. 25 watts me gusto aunque estuvo bastante lenta, pero creo que estos chicos tienen buen material.


Saludos a todos los uruguayos en la IMDB; yo también pensé que era el único, pero por suerte ya veo que no.

Ah, y la película muy buena.


hola todos estos uruguayos por aqui

pues resulta que hace mucho rato no encontraba una colonioa de ninguna parte en el IMDB, y ahora resulta que hay muchos uruguayos, que gusto... bien, Yo no soy uruguayo pero tengo unos amigos uruguayos aqui en Londres y me encantan ... bien a lo que vine, yo vi Whisky dutrante el London Film Festival y quede fascinado con la pelicula, a todo el mundo le dije que era la mejor pelicual del festival y mucha gente estaba de acuerdo, la verdad resulto una de las sopressas del festival, y yo ademas peienso que es la mejor pelicula Latinomaericana en mucho tiempo que se ha visto por aca, de verdad felicito a ese par que crearon esta obra maestra.
bien si quieren leer, mi review lo pueden hacer en este Link, ahora no se vayan a sentir mal por esto que digo de los uruguayos, yo solo reproduzco l oque se del espiritu uruguayo por los que conozco y por lo que ellos me cuentan asi que no me estoy invnetado nada... bien despues de leer agradeceria algun comentario de loq ue sea...
un abrazo y has ta la vista


Londres sep 05

Whisky en


Gracias, R. Camelo, lindo review. Se ve que entendiste a los uruguayos...

"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government"

