MovieChat Forums > Devot (2004) Discussion > Some uncleared things

Some uncleared things

*spoiler alert*

While Anja and Henry are mindbending each other, our brain gets massaged also.
Annett Rennebergs eyes are impressive, her face reminds me a bit of Oksana Akinshina (starring in 'Lilya 4-ever' among other movies)

But what do you make of the things that are shown but not explained like:

The color drawings/photos Henry is watching are about car crashes... coincidence?

The pill Anja takes from the bag is said to be 'E' as in the drug ecstasy, and it seems to kicks in pretty rough but in a flash it is gone again.

The third and last time Anja picks up the story about Lilly, she doesn't start where she left. She ended something like: "Until one day she met a guy who didn't fall for it [the theft-trick] and horribly...."
And picks up very positive wich has something to do with a sister i believe.

Strange she has scars/marks of strangulation/biting, her wrist and lip but none on her cheek, not even a red print immediately after the hit.

Although 112 is the official European alarm number I think 110 is actually the existing 'notruf' (emergency call) number for the police in Germany. 112 Is for the fire department and/or paramedics.

How can there be blood underneath the bathtub (seen when cleaning the floor) when her cut wrist was in the water when lifted out and laid down a considerable distance for the tub with no dripping during the carrying...
(image of the scene when she is discovered, may be disturbing to some: )

It strikes me as a little strange the entrance is many stairs up, and then down again, when there is also an groundfloor entrance/exit (to the grave), well nevermind.. a bit unpracticle to say at least.

When someone else puts drugs in my bag i would not say "i would do anything for you if you won't call the police" if i am innocent. In the tied up position of a possible maniac she was, i would be glad to see some (german) cops.

And does anyone see the connection with 'Gegen die wand' another great movie from Germany (a country with many good releases this year). The English title 'Head-on' sounds to me like two cars colliding in a paralel fashion, where the German title clearly states: 'Against the wall'.

I only wanted to post the remark about the crash pictures but hey, why not think out loud


Great movie


I just got home from seeing this indeed very good movie and funnily I mostly noticed the same possible goofs, or (more politely) oddities as you.

Oh, and I also noticed how gorgeous Annett Renneberg looks in it (not that I didn't know this before).


Nonetheless I sadly can't help you out with any real resolutions. Here are some of my (rather plain) interpretations:

-My guess is that Henry didn't actually call the police at all. Despite being shown dialing he probably just faked it somehow to scare Anja. It would have been way too suspicious to first ask for the cops and then just call them off. They may have come anyway.

-Her reaction to him threatening to call the cops was probably just part of the game that she was playing. Anja knew that it was exactly what he wanted to hear.

-The thing about the "E" in my opinion is just a little continuity error. Maybe there was an additional scene to explain why she was suddenly acting normal again that ended up being cut.

-Last but not least: Henry's apparent fascination about car crashes (something that has also been portrayed in Cronenberg's "Crash") probably was sort of a foreshadowing of what was going to happen with him and Anja. Or did those images belong to her? Then it'd make even more sense...

What do you think?
