Westernized Dalai Lama?

I really don't know anything about budism but, apologizing for my ignorance, I had the impression from this film that the Dalai Lama was far more worried to give a good impression and engage on the rituals for his Western and relatively few followers in Viena that for the huge crowds of Asian monks. I know that the reason for he could not preside the ceremonies was a serious illnes, but, without putting this into question, I felt that there was something else in his absence and his short exchange with the public. Of course I don't want to offend anyone, I am just wondering I was the only one to have this impression.


interesting observation
i partially agree


I'm not sure how you come to that conclusion. Do you have any other reasoning besides a vague feeling?


I had the same impression as well, because the visual narrative created that dichotomy.

Tenzin Gyatso's health was not the real reason why the Kalachakra Puja/Great Nyingmapa Prayer Congregation in Bodh Gaya was cancelled in 2002. The real reasons were political. The political climate in Bodh Gaya between the Indian governourship of Bihar, the Tibetan Buddhists, and the Ambedkarite Buddhists (Indians from oppressed Hindu castes who embraced Buddhism) has always been 2000 degrees Fahrenheit. So volcanic that Gyatso had no choice but to cancel the Kalachakra initiations.
